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  1. J

    So, I went outside, and the bells at the Catholic school were playing "Joy...

    There should be more of that.
  2. J

    do christians forget to help and love ,because they are to busy judging and

    You hate Christians! Why do you hate Christians?
  3. J

    Why don't Christians sell the expensive churches and use the money to help the poor?

    Who would buy an "expensive" church, and what would they do with it?
  4. J

    Does the fact that religious people try to argue against science prove that...

    You are wrong! Religious people see Science as a Gift from God to better understand and explore the wonders of His Creation.
  5. J

    Hey I don't understand how my DVD player works. Does that mean it's powered by...

    I guess Atheists like yourself are not as smart as you claim to be after all.
  6. J

    Jewish people:Interesting Jewish symbols?

    Gabriela, my child: Why would a nice Italian girl like you want to do a thing like that? A small tattoo now that you are young is cute; but please think of when you get older. It will then look disgusting, to say the least.
  7. J

    Why do Christians criticize....?

    Christians don't need to criticize Satanists; they have more important things to worry about.
  8. J

    What is the best Religion?

    That, my friend, is Hindu philosophy. If you are indeed a Hindu, stick to it. Gandhi did; although he was toying with the idea of converting to Christianity..
  9. J

    In Christianity, and other monotheistic religions, do humans take care of Nature

    They should. That's what it's all about.
  10. J

    Christians, what happens if...?

    Your question isn't even worth answering.
  11. J

    Is intercourse allowed in Judaism?

    Of course intercourse is allowed in Judaism; sexual and other types as well.
  12. J

    Christians, is God against divination?

    Your ignorance is showing.
  13. J

    How did Hinduism change from the Aryans to the Gupta(Empire)?

    This is a History question, not a Religion question.
  14. J

    Roughly every thousand years there is a new religion that takes over.What...

    Good! I'll not take the question seriously! It's about time we got a little levity on this site.
  15. J

    For someone who is just so in the middle, believes in God, Jw's Budda &

    Well, thing is "going with the flow" could make you a christian or a heathen. You don't get to choose if you just "go with the flow".
  16. J

    why do i tear up and wanna cry when i look at a picture or see a nice car?

    Perhaps you see it as wasteful.
  17. J

    Are people really concerned about Jesus Christ?

    You may be right at that! But isn't it sad that this is what the world has turned out to be?