What is the best Religion?


New member
Oct 9, 2010
I am a Hindu and i think there is too much chaos in the world on which Religion is the best.
This Guy is the stupidest person I have ever heard, spoke of religion.
My Godfather or Guru told me.

"Respect all religions and follow the one you are born into and make peace with the other Religions. God knows what IT is doing. God is messing with us, IT is giving us test to do, but we failed to do them, and he give us the easiest test to do.
i follow all religions and i learn the good things from them."

Hey what do think.
Calling God It??? Whoa dude, that guy is an Idiot. Biblical Christianity says there is only One way to God and that is through the atoning work of His only begotten Son Jesus Christ. To which I believe, and according to Gods Word all other ways are futile.
there is no best religion. what you consider best what be worst for someone else and vice versa
That, my friend, is Hindu philosophy. If you are indeed a Hindu, stick to it. Gandhi did; although he was toying with the idea of converting to Christianity..
The BEST religion is the one that God said that He approves of, and I think you would agree.

It is to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, house the homeless, bring comfort to those who mourn, forgive those who harm you, and treat others the way you want to be treated. (DISCLAIMER: This does NOT get you into heaven; only Jesus can do THAT; THIS is to make life better here on EARTH.)
i think no religion is good, only life philosphies, like doaist and buddhist philosophies
They all cannot be correct. They are mutually exclusive. The best bet is to study them and prayerfully decide for yourself. This is one you don't want to be wrong on.