In Christianity, and other monotheistic religions, do humans take care of Nature

Not sure, but I think so. I think God wants us to care for everything He has given us. Sadly, we're doing a very good job at it...especially nature and each other!

OOPS! That was supposed to be...We're NOT doing a very good job... Sorry!
God told Adam to "cultivate" and have "dominion" or rule over the earth in Genesis 1. God gave us plants and animals to support us. God doesn't need anything, so He would not have us just tend His garden.
nature takes care of itself. humans are meant to serve and preserve nature though
If you want a better insight on this, you might consider reading "Botany of Desire" by Michael Pollan.

To answer your question, let's look at most vegetables that grow in a garden. Do you take care of them for the sake of the vegetables or for the sake of yourself?

If you do your job, they will do their job. If you don't, the vegetables will disappear.

"This" is a pronoun designating something close to you.
my understanding is that god provided nature for us (i am a muslim btw). he has given us a means to survive. we take care of nature for our own survival, but this ultimately is to please god by showing god that we value the life and resources god has given us. so directly, no, we do it for ourselves. but indirectly, yes, we do it for god.