Is intercourse allowed in Judaism?

Only between married male-female couples.


On "Same-Sex Marriage": A Statement of Principle

The Rabbinical Council of America and The Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America reaffirm the following foundational principles and beliefs in unambiguous and unmistakable terms:

Homosexual behavior is, and has always been, absolutely forbidden by Jewish law and tradition. Any attempt to characterize Jewish law and tradition to the contrary must be rejected. The only legitimate form of sexual behavior is that which takes place between adult men and women, within the sacred institution of marriage, as traditionally defined and permitted. Under no circumstances can Jewish tradition or law countenance a notion of so-called "Same-Sex Marriage" rituals or status under religious auspices. In our view, the term "marriage" by its very definition cannot be construed or applied to same-sex relationships. To do so is to deprive the term of its fundamental and defining meaning. The institution of marriage, and family life, as defined and practiced for thousands of years as between a man and a woman, a father and a mother, respectively, is far too important and essential to the bedrock of society and civilization as we know it, to be thus undermined by those who presume to redefine its essence. At the same time we reaffirm that those who, in spite of their acceptance of these principles, have difficulty in living up to these standards, should be treated with compassion, sensitivity, and understanding, in our synagogues, in the Jewish community, and in society at large. We further note that Passover, commemorating the Exodus from Egypt, is an especially appropriate time to reaffirm these principles. As Leviticus 18 makes clear, the liberation was not only from slavery and infanticide, but also from the sexual depravity practiced in ancient Egypt, which, as understood by the Sages of blessed memory (Sifra Lev. 132), included the legitimization of same-sex marriages. We thus call upon our fellow Jews and fellow citizens to stand opposed to any attempt, whether judicial, legislative, or religious in nature, to bestow the sanctity of marriage upon same-sex couples.

Last year, the United Nations named Israel as one of the main destinations in the world for trafficked women; it has also consistently appeared as an offender in the annual US State Department's Trafficking in Persons (Tip) report.

1. 3,000 White European women per year are smuggled into Israel as sex slaves.
2. They are promised legitimate jobs, but put to work as prostitutes.
3. They are locked in apartments with barred windows.
4. They are relieved of their passports.
5. They are beaten, tortured, and gang-raped (Jewish method of "breaking them in").
6. They are sold at pimping auctions! - during which they are forced to undress.
7. They are forced to service up to 15 Jews a day, 7 days a week, in Israel's 400+ brothels.
8. There are 280 brothels in Tel Aviv alone!
9. Pimps and traffickers are ignored by police - prostitution is not a crime.
"Although the three-year-old girl does not undergo any ritual introduction to her future role as a Jewish female, she is considered to be sexually a female from this age. Thus the laws restricting men and women from being alone together in the privacy of a locked room or house, yichud, apply to a girl of three. They only apply to a boy from the age of 9, the rationale being that from these ages the female and the male are sufficiently sexually mature to be the objects of sexual desire. In the language of the halakhah they are fit for sexual intercourse."

Page 128, chapter: The Ritual Lifetime: Childhood and Youth
The Jews: Their Religious Beliefs & Practices (1999 Edition)
Alan Unterman