Trivia. How many of you know how long the concept of the devil has been around.?


May 25, 2008
Approximately how many years? Dont preach to me now. Not interested in whether or not you believe in the devil. Some do, some dont. Just tell me how long the idea of the devil has been with mankind. 10 points for the first right answer. Thanks guys
Come on guys, no preaching. You're missing the point. Some long-winded soul who shall remain nameless, wrote a whole book. A couple of you got close. Will get back to the 10 points in a few. Thanks for all your answers, even the preachy ones
No, I don't "believe" in any "devil."

If by "devil" you mean some kind of supernatural force tending towards evil, that opposes or battles supernatural forces tending towards good, that sort of concept has been expressed in nearly all human cultures and religions, going as far back as we have records (and long before the Hebrews).

If by "devil" you mean the christian concept (which is not the same as the Hebrew OT concept), then just under 2,000 years.

Any religion in the world has a Devil to deal with!

The Bible writers are disclosing that After Lucifer and 1/3 of the angels rebelled in Heaven. God couldn’t keep all the remaining loyal angels happy. More angels made use of their “free will” and banded together to quit Heaven. It happened 1,000 Bible years after they were created… when in the days of Noah they noticed that the girls from around here were "BEAUTIFUL" so they had sexual intercourse and family with them (Gen 6:1-2) – This is a clue in the Bible that regardless of any Christian denial the male angels were created with well hung and fully functional sexual organs, and that sex in Heaven must be either very lousy or the female angels, if any, very ugly or prudish to the point that the male angels, aka “Sons of God” had to look elsewhere to satisfy their GOD ENDOWED sexual cravings, just like in any Heathen “God” story. It took these angels 1,000 Bible years to discover “beautiful” girls in this microscopic speck of dust that we call the Earth located in this mind blowing humongous universe… Christians only wish that all these preposterous Bible stories will soon disappear or explained away when Jesus comes back to take them to Heaven! But they don’t read ALL the Bible stories to find out the surprises that they have in store for them!

Even God the Holy Ghost took a leave of absence from Heaven coming down to Earth to copulate with the Blessed Virgin Mary! Jesus Christ is known to be the “Only Begotten Son of God.” It is not surprisingly that Jesus was so completely turned on when a prostitute didn’t stop kissing his feet at a party that he attended. There is no record of any angel in Heaven doing the same trick on him.

A lot Christians now are depriving themselves of any sexual pleasure that is not conductive to having babies! This is a made up Church dogma not found in the Bible! Some Bible writers claim that anybody going to Heaven will become like some asexual angels FOR EVER AND EVER when we know from earlier Bible stories that the angels are all male and that they are known to get real horny to the point for willing to escape from Heaven to pick up some girls here on this Earth. The Bible writers ought to have mentioned that God had to castrate the rest of the angels to keep them in Heaven! Jesus will be surrounded in Heaven, “for all eternity” by 144,000 Jews from the 12 tribes of Israel, all of them MALE VIRGINS who never messed with women (Rev 7:3-4, 14:4)! Jesus never expressed any interest for VIRGIN GIRLS, but he is on record HIGHLY FAVORING VIRGIN GUYS, prostitutes and even Sodomites. Finding 144,000 queer Jewish guys anywhere in the world today JUST BEFORE THE END OF THE WORLD it is a miracle that only the Bible God can perform! BTW, the JW teachers know it can’t happen, so they claim this right for a list of 144,000 of their own men!

The Bible writers claim that without gullibility, aka “faith,” it is impossible to please God! (Heb 11:6) There ought to be some classes in public schools teaching kids how the different major religions function. Most Christians hardly read the Bible to stop and think what they are reading! They let their favorite preacher tell them what Christianity ought to be all about. The classical, “When we get to Heaven God will tell us all that we need to know” is what makes Christianity so thriving today!
I don't believe in god or the devil but he was
supposed to exist from the start of 'creation'.
it can certainly be traced back at least 2500 years and probably a great deal longer. Christians do not realize it, but the concept is a great deal older than Christianity