Why don't Christians sell the expensive churches and use the money to help the poor?


New member
Nov 7, 2010
Like St. Peters Basilica etc.
The money could be used for social programs and the church congregation could take place in a smaller cheaper venue.
I am not necessarily advocating this I am just curious why we do not do it. The repairs and maintenance fees on upholding these Churches is extremely high and is it possible the money could be used for better purposes?
Also, the gold and riches of many churches could be sold.
Jesus specifically commented on this subject with the story of the expensive oil. He said the poor will always be among us.

If the things people are spending money on seem elaborate to you, but bring people closer to God, then they are worth it because money and poverty only last in this lifetime. Your relationship with God lasts an eternity.

You may not think certain churches or expenses are necessary, but if they are fulfilling a purpose to bring people truly to God that might not otherwise have gone in that direction, then it is a righteous purpose and expense.
and who are Christians??? catholicism doctrine is unbiblical it is not wholly a Christian belief system though there are some parishes that are teaching salvation only through Jesus... not the majority i think. Certainly most of us are guilty to spending money on unnecessary things... why doesnt our government make appropriate cuts and support the genuinely poor, not the able bodied welfare recipients who could work even for minimum wage with some temporary assistance...
exacttacly. the christians are all for helping poor ppl yet they spend more on their churches then they ever have or will on helping the unfortunate
I'm pretty sure given you're "question" that you're not a Christian. You must therefore think that Christians are hypocrits a lot!

Given that, is this really the best you can do?
Why don't non christians sell their expensive stuff and give that money to the poor

The church give far more than many other sectors to people in need