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    The Hormone Diet: 5 Tips For Timing Your Meals To Maximize Weight Loss

    Your mother always told you that breakfast was the most important meal of the day – but does it matter when you eat it? And what if your dinner time fluctuates wildly from day to day? Does meal timing actually … More » The Hormone Diet: 5 Tips For Timing Your Meals To Maximize Weight Loss is a...
  2. T

    State Laws Aimed At Improving School Meals Help Teens Eat More Fruits And Vegetables,

    Students' intake of fruits and vegetables increased when states required schools to offer them at lunch, especially among teens who had only unhealthy snacks available at home Teens in states that required schools to offer fruits and vegetables as part of the meal program consumed more fruits...
  3. A

    What meals to cook for two spending $200 a month?

    Please don't say top ramen or only rice and beans
  4. M

    Providing meals and beverages during a flight, is it an obligation or a courtesy?

    I mean, is the airline obliged to provide them?
  5. T

    Family Meals Boost Kids' Fruit And Veg Intake

    Children in families that eat meals together, even if only once or twice a week, eat more fruit and vegetables than children who never eat with their families. The boost they receive from learning eating habits from parents and older siblings is enough to bring kids' fruit and veg consumption...
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    TV Chef Recipes Are Less Healthy Than Ready Meals

    Popular TV chefs use recipes that consist of considerably more protein, energy, fat, and saturated fat, and even have less fiber per portion, than ready meals found at local supermarkets. The finding came from a study conducted by a team of experts from NHS Tees and Newcastle University and was...
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    7 Grossest Things Found In Fast Food Meals

    Happy Monday! Here's a roundup of the most disgusting*things ever found in fast food to remind you to steer clear of your local burger joint this week. From needles to maggots, the gross gang is all here (including the nose ring found in a McDonald's breakfast burrito this weekend and the screw...
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    Any ideas on healthy meals i can cook up at home?

    What are some easy (healthy) meals to cook? i want to start losing weight, and i don't really know any healthy meals to cook. thanks for the help!:-)
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    Surprising News: Kids Rate Meals Higher When Veggies Are On Their Plates

    File this under "news we didn't see coming." More » Surprising News: Kids Rate Meals Higher When Veggies Are On Their Plates is a post from Blisstree - Nutrition, Healthy Recipes and Fitness.
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    Substance Use More Likely In Older Children And Those Receiving Free School Meals

    Alcohol, tobacco and illegal drug use among young people is a public health concern in the UK. The short and long term risks to health are well known and range from accidental injuries, violence, sexual ill-health and increased rates of chronic conditions and premature death. A range of policies...
  11. E

    Should government be able to ban McDonald's from putting toys in happy meals?

    If so why?
  12. H

    I want to start cooking dinner for my family. Any suggestions for easy starter meals?

    I'm 17, and, up until now, I've never really helped out much when it comes to making dinner every day. I want to start now, and get some practice in before I leave for college. Any suggestions for beginner meals? All I've really cooked is macaroni and cheese, Ramen noodles, and french fries XD
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    The Convenience Diet: Using Frozen Meals to Stay on Track - Nov 11,2011

    The home-cooked, sit-down family dinner is still the ideal that most moms strive to achieve. But hey, maybe you don’t have time to shop, prepare and cook fresh daily. So what are the options? Fast food doesn’t cut the mustard, in terms of health, taste, or even your budget. Finer restaurant...
  14. H

    Easy to cook meals for leftovers?

    I convinced my friend to hire me as his personal assistant because he is always traveling, and I was always house sitting anyways. One of my tasks is to cook a few meals a week that can easily be reheated since he is a man and likes to use the microwave for everything! I was thinking pastas will...
  15. S

    What are some QUICK and easy meals to cook?

    Im in college but dont live in a dorm so i have my own kitchen. Im on my own most of the time so i only need to cook for myself and im getting kind of tired of frozen dinners. Any ideas on some quick and easy food to make, because i dont have much time in my day. YES i thought of KD but its too...
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    What's for dinner? Fabulous fall meals made with seasonal produce

    [No message]
  17. S

    How long will cooked meals keep?

    I'm going on holiday in just over a week. We go on a monday and come back on a friday. I am taking a load of shopping with us to last us the week (its only a couple of hours drive away in a caravan park, there will be 4 adults and 4 children). Anyway, someone suggested cooking a couple of meals...
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    high calorie pre made meals?

    I am a 17 year old male, i am 5'11 and weigh 110 i have been trying to gain weight for a while, but i have an eating disorder so i only eat once a day "if that". so i need help finding pre made food that are loadedwith calories, carbs and protein. I have looked into "MRE, HEATER MEALS, AND TV...
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    Greeting Cards for meals on wheels?

    I have to make three greeting cards for girl scouts by friday. The cards will be given to the meals on wheels people and they will give them to the old people that get food and stuff. What do i write on the card? i don't even know the old people.. :P Can anybody gives me ideas?
  20. J

    Quickest way to cook meals without washing too many dishes?

    Hi I was wondering if anyone could give me tips on making food the quickest / non messy way as possible. I hate cooking meals from scratch because it takes way too much time and personally I am not a great cook. Because of my hectic work schedule I have been going out to eat almost everyday and...