I want to start cooking dinner for my family. Any suggestions for easy starter meals?


May 15, 2008
I'm 17, and, up until now, I've never really helped out much when it comes to making dinner every day. I want to start now, and get some practice in before I leave for college. Any suggestions for beginner meals? All I've really cooked is macaroni and cheese, Ramen noodles, and french fries XD
Here is the first meal I ever cooked and I still like it.


1 lb ground beef
1/3 C cracker crumbs
1 can french onion soup with 1/2 can water added
2 T minced onion

Mix the meat, crumbs, onion, parsley and 1/3 C of the soup mixture. Shape into meatballs and brown. Pour rest of soup mixture over and cover and simmer 20 minutes. Then, you can either cook noodles in the broth or thicken it for gravy over mashed taters.
you could do a traditional food in a specific cuisine or culture and research about it and pratice that recipe. For a example a Traditional English Roast dinner is quite easy to do (you just have to be able to cook the meat and roast potatoes to perfection, and if someone if a vegitarian in your family , replace the meat with a nut roast), or you could do a italian spaghetti dish, or traditonal irish pie, or a curry or traditonal mexican tortillas? Research different cuisines and find new recipes:D good luck!:D
Plenty of recipes here with pictures to go along with them. Some don't work, like the microwave brownies but most do. Go with a pasta. Those are usually quite easy.
Eggs are the simplest to make and they taste great if you know what to add to make them taste oh so good. Take a look at this article I love this omelette it's so easy to make and it's so freaking tasty!! Your family will be asking you how you made this when you're done!

try spahgetti bolognese, its really easy. on frying pan fry ground beef (sprinkle the beef with a bit of salt before), then add spahgetti sauce (i recommend the bolognese kind) , turn on low heat , cover, and let cook for around 15-20 minutes. boil macaroni, drain. add sauce, sprinkle with parmezan.
Check out some of the info, recipes, etc, in my answers to these previous questions:

And you'll find lots more about learning to cook, various specific foods, etc, in the collected answers on this page: