
  1. D

    What sort of meals should I pack for lunch?

    I would like to have a variety of lunches instead of a sandwich every single day. Thanks for your contributions! :)
  2. L

    what are some healthy meals i can eat to help me lose weight?

    What are some healthy breakfast dishes, lunch dishes and snacks that can help me lose weight? What are some healthy meat dishes for the following meats: Chicken, Fish, Pork, Shrimp and maybe beef if it is good to eat when trying to lose weight and what kind of meals can i use ground turkey...
  3. F

    I am 200 lbs and eat healthy but with my job i cant eat the many meals. How much...

    ...whey should i take? I started working out a while ago every other night. i always eat healthy fruits,vegs, whole wheat bread but with my job i cant really eat meals during the day. how much whey drink shoul i have and when?
  4. M

    Baby?s meals and snacks: 3 habits to avoid

    Baby?s meals and snacks: 3 habits to avoid To save time or effort, these bad little habits can easily sneak into your baby?s meal and snack routine. Don?t let them. They can put your baby at risk. Don?t: --Make your baby a backseat diner. Don?t give him food while he?s in his car seat...
  5. N

    A friend of mine told me due to hard times, she is extending family fish meals

    with catfood & beef meals with? dogfood! She said shes putting Pal in the spaghetti instead of mince!& to make it worse tuna mornay with extra catfood. I told her this was the wrong thing to do as it will make her family sick I just really didn't know what to say!! any further suggestions? i was...
  6. Z

    Is only eating your 3 main meals healthy?

    i want to know if you only eat breakfest, lunch, and dinner, is it healthy?
  7. T

    What healthy snacks can I eat in between meals at school?

    In order to eat 5 small meals a day, I have to eat twice during school (not lunch). I obviously can't bring a plate of vegetables to school and just pull it out in class. It has to be something I can eat (or drink, such as a shake) fast and I don't have to cook or that will spoil. I was...
  8. D

    Disney World vacation meals?

    Me and my two kids are going to Disney World in May for seven days.How much should accept to pay for meals ? Is there a meal package? Also if so is it worth it , not looking to eat junk food the whole time there. We are staying at the Caribbean hotel which is on the grounds.
  9. E

    Why is it more healthy to eat 6 small meals rather then 3 big meals?

    Why and what should u eat?
  10. K

    Are these meals healthy?

    breakfast: Fat-Free pineapple yogurt with half a banana Lunch: saskatoon berry jam on weight watchers bread(rolled), carrots and blueberries Snack: mini oreo snack pack, nutella sandwich and sesame sticks Dinner: Soft taco(2) and a glass of water I am also 12 years old and weigh 35 kilograms(78...
  11. T

    What are some healthy (non-fattening) meals I could make out of this stuff in my

    kitchen (more details inside)? Here's all the healthy stuff I have in my kitchen: FRUIT 2 Pears (i am unsure whether or not they are ripe, but I was going to try one tomorrow. They are green with sort of pink bruise looking marks. In some spots they are tender.) Tomatos Fruit Cups 1/2 Apple...
  12. J

    How can I cook meals like they serve at the White House?

    I know they have all these Chefs and they eat all these fancey meals at the White House. The last time I was the with President Clinton we had a major 4 course meal of swordfish and clams. How can I cook these types of meals on an average Joe's salary?
  13. A

    Ideas for cheap, healthy family meals to reduce weekly food bill?

    Hi was wondering if anyone had any ideas / recipes for cheap, healthy family meals (suitable to mash for a 9 month old). I am trying to reduce my weekly shopping bills due to credit crunch etc ! Thanks
  14. E

    I know it's not healthy to skip meals, but I have trouble eating...?

    ...before, like, noon. I leave the house every morning at 7 and then I have lunch at 11. I can eat a few bites at lunch but it makes me feel sick to even think about food, or even to drink anything other than water. Is there some way I can fix it or should I just try to eat a little bit...
  15. R

    i need to eat more healthy meals can u suggest some for a fussy 15 year old?

    i always eat pasta with sauce or pizza i need a change x yeah, im not fat atall im quite skinny, my mum and grandad ate quite a lot of fatty foods when they were younger and they are/was really skinny, but my grandad died of a heart attack, but he also did smoke in his younger days. i went on...
  16. B

    What are some healthy choices when eating frozen meals?

    at first i thought Lean Cuisine was healthy until i actually looked it up and all the places i went to said that there is to much sodium in their meals and they cause water retention which will cause you to gain weight. I was wondering if anyone knew of a frozen meal that is similar to Lean...
  17. T

    How do I make meals with less meat and more nutrition without including excessive...

    add beans to your diet black beans, kidney beans....etc
  18. A

    How do I make meals with less meat and more nutrition without including excessive...

    ...vegetables? I live in Asia. I live in a average family but since most fruits, vegetables, poultry is imported, they are bloody expensive. My fridge is dominated by red meat. Dinner is basically meat and rice or pasta, annoying as hell. So, i need to lose some pounds but can't without changing...
  19. A

    I am 30 and eat like 4 meals a day healthy and high protein and I have tried...

    ...weight gainer while working out ? I have only gained like 5 lbs using weight gainer eating 4 meals a day and working out what am I doing wrong I use dumbells and resistance machines drink plenty of water run and um 30 I thought my body would easily gain weight by now I am 140lbs and 6ft .I...
  20. S

    If I eat three healthy meals a day and excercise everyday for 1hr for 4

    weeks, can i lose 1 stone and a bit? I have a party to go on 14th Feb and I want to look a lot slimmer, I have from now 4 weeks and a few days till then, so if I continue eating 3 meals a day but cut out bread, pasta, potatoes and rice and excercise is it possible to lose that?