Can I get AIDS from swimming in a pool with negroes?

if u survive my firend, you will probely become ginger. :geek:
your hair will slowly become orange and your skinn color will fade away. :(
origin of aids

well let's get this straight white ppl may have brought aids to america, but that one white guy was a fag who had but sex with a tribe-fag who had but sex with a monkey in order to get aids in the first place.
leave this person alone. he/she could have seriously contracted aids from his/her pool experience. you better have checked for your wallet and made sure there was no money missing! dem negro's have a habbit of stealing from us rich white fokes.

You must be a fucking retard. If you are fucking stupid enough to ask that questions you don't have enough money to worry about it being stolen. You are fucking stupid. Get educated and then go earn real money. Fuck you, you piece of shit, fucking, fuck.:capitulate:
i fucked your mom like this :arrowed: and she looks like this :crazy eyes: and yes. niggers give yu aids from swimming with them yu intelligent human bieng dumb fuck ass licker cheese eater penis sucking fag fucking dumb fuck
:big laugh: :big laugh: :big laugh: :big laugh: :big laugh: :big laugh: :big laugh: :big laugh: :big laugh: :big laugh: :big laugh: :big laugh: :big laugh: :big laugh: :big laugh: :big laugh:
You are an ignorant dipshit.
1. HIV/Aids can only be passed through the exchange of bodily fluids.
2. All blacks don't necesarily have Aids. Just as many white people have Aids, possibly more
3. Just because someone is black doesn't mean they're going to steal your wallet. It's the stereotype that whites have that make people believe that anyone but whites are criminals. You realize Hitler said his reason for killing everyone that wasn't German was that Germans were the only "perfect race."
4. Aids has almost nothing to do with red eyes. That was the chlorine in the pool, you fucking retard. Aids is auto immunodeficiency syndrome, meaning your body can't properly fight infections, viruses, etc.

And I'm 12. And yes, I am white. A twelve year old is smarter than you. You SHOULD be ashamed. If this was a joke, I don't see the humor.

I hope you do get HIV. That way you'll realize what a dick you are.
Listen its all u white racist ppl who probaby got it that's ignorant and not accetable if u didn't like us why bring us to americ in the first place and if anyone thinks its ok to say something like that u have no soul no feelings wat so ever and think y'all need to change and yes u probably do have aids cuz it was really gay of u to ask this question

P.S. Jesus is B.L.A.C.K. remeber that!!!

I bet u won't go to Africa and say that crap cuz they would probably tie u up and feed u to a lion or throw a spear at u so be careful wat u say cuz then u have a problem with black people and even other white ppl or any other race and then your biggest problem will be with GOD I'm African American and I don't have aids so the answer to your dumb question is no retard but the real question is can we get aids swiming with u can u catch your racism or your dumbness or your lice cuz that is one thing black people don't get becuz we put greece in our hair I have a mix sister who didn't kno wat greece was and she had dead eggs in her hair so go kick rocks somewhere better yet go get yo teeth knocked out of yo mouth for saying that and then go get aids and see how funny it is u freaking racist retard!!!
U know wat it was wrong of me to say I hope God gives u aids cuz nobody deserves to have them and for u to say something like that really did hurt my feelings I thought we were past racism like I knew people were still racist but I just met so many white people that aren't racist but wat I mean to say is I hope God teaches u a lesson and maybe u will see that black people are really cool cuz I'm willing to accept any race and I'm not even 12 yet but about to be but that's not the point the point is don't be hateful because during slavery they got whipped and I watch the boondocks and uncle ruckus is the one I can hear saying that and if u racist to any race stop. Its not cool
stick your head into a toilet and drown. please do us that favor!