Can I get AIDS from swimming in a pool with negroes?

I'm Not scared of black people!

You guys SUCK!
racist dumb ass

all i got to say is your a fucking dumbass..asking some type of question like that..i hope you do get aids racist motherfucker.. what the fuck, why people so damn racist im glad that we scare you guys... bitch ass white people
this is why the rest of the world thinks all you americans are fucking retarded. not only are you a bunch a racist pigs-you are extremely stupid (this is to the person that asked the question)

just because a person is black does not automatically mean they have aids. l agree, go to school you very stupid person and grow up and stop being an ignorant racist!

that is extremely disgusting how you treated that black family and should be ashamed of yourself.
you raicist retarded son of a bitch..... there is a special place in hell for you

as to the previous post-you are just as retarded: from Wiki...

"According to the 'Hunter Theory', the "simplest and most plausible explanation for the cross-species transmission",[3] the virus was transmitted from a chimpanzee to a human when a bushmeat hunter was bitten or cut while hunting or butchering an animal. The resulting exposure of the hunter to blood or other bodily fluids of the chimpanzee could have resulted in infection.[12]"

a friend of mine, jelle, was first raped by three monkeys and then again raped by three AFRO AMERICANS
i consider to have sex with him, but i don't know what the risc is of getting aids
this is because all negro's have aids, dont they?

Stupid Fuckin Americans blaming it on blacks. America created AIDS as a biological warfare against the world America and Africa in particular, thus spreading through the world.

[ame=]YouTube - WHO made the AIDS VIRUS THEN PUT IT IN A VACCINE[/ame]

Stupid Ass

OMG... can't believe what some stupid ppl will say or ask. If you want to know the TRUTH about AIDS and the like then take your stupid ass to school and learn. Unless you have had sexual relations with a person with AIDS then you have nothing to worry about in that aspect. But I seriously think you need to see a professional. You and ppl like you are way past the stupid threshold.

I love cheese btw its chinese people you can get AIDS from, because everything is made in china. GO OBAMA
woowww this is such a stupid question. its obviously bullshit black people cant swim.
Okay dumbasses, listen up.

Whoever asked this question has to be a total MORON.
You would have to have the brain capacity of a TOTAL IDIOT to ask this dumb question.
First of all, you can only get the disease if you shared bodily fluids, this can include semen, blood, snot, saliva, etc. You would be fucking stupid enough to share needles, piercing equipment, and have sex WITHOUT a condem >.>
THAT'S IT BACK TO SCHOOL FOR YOU. is school for you - the best schoolworks search engine. find your work here.
Black ppl

I always try to avoid black peaple in stores, so I just am asure I dont get aids or cancer
if ur asking that question u probably already have it! stupid ass! shut the hell up and stop being ignorant! go to skool and LEARN about wut it is if ur really r that concerned!

you dumb fuck, you're the one that should go to "school" and learn some proper English

when around blacks, never relax