Can I get AIDS from swimming in a pool with negroes?

Yes buddy, you got aids and you gonna die soon. fucking white fellas. I hate u racist. you'l die for bringing this aids stuff to the world. fuck u crackers.
You dont have aids, you can only get aids by fucking gay people in the ass and eating chinese food... dont worry about negroes
actualy wiki is not always true, couse everyone can write in it you can even make your own wiki page. and yes it is true, aids started with monkeys. and all this black people crap of yourse is stupid, humanity started in africa so firts people were black.... so don't be such a fucking racist....b.t.w. I'm not black... but we are all people... exactly same species..
Yes you have AIDS! How old are you? lmao , stupid ass question.
aids can only be spread via poo chute transfers involving multiple african partners in a blood orgy :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:DD:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D....-.-...:/:/:/;/...8==D--(|)
Blitzz je moeder is lelijk en ik heb haar gebatst met een zak over haar hoofd
oh wow ur fuking retarded boi... nah mate u must have already gotten it frm fuking yur mum the other day...hunny yur gno die soon so pray to God to forget u for all ur nasty sins
WTF Yall Some Stupid people White people brought Aids here!! And if anyone should be scared of anyone then Black People should be scared of yall Pale White Ass Crackers!
I think it´s a joke cause that is the only reason for asking this that I can imagine. OMG! It´s impossible you can get aids, you fucking stupid! But you deserved they had stolen you something. I hope I will never met anyone like you, so racist.
Thank God black peeps fuck monkeys...white folks yall fuck each other parent fuck with children, children fuck each other!what a life y'all really blessed...instead of checkin your wallet why don'y u go check your mama pussy im sure there is one negro inside of it!
your aids brain

I think ive got it same shit!!!!!!!!
I like trains and nigggggers
u fucking racist ! hope u die with ur aids !! get a life -_- !! u stupid asshole ! u are a shame ! there is no black and white , all of us are humains and deserves to live but stupid people like u must die .... ! i'm white and proud to say "i'm not racist" . peace