My 5mo whines ALL day, she is a good baby but teething now and nothing soothes her.?


New member
Sep 19, 2008
If we walk, play, swing, lay down, stand, she wants nothing to do with it. I know if she needs a nap but sometimes thats not it. She sleeps 13 hours a night, then needs a nap 2.5 hours after she wakes up, is she tired, teething or just bored with me?? Im a stay at home mom and am getting fed up!!!!!!
look at her gums and if they look cut up or red or swollen then shes teething.does she have a fever or diareah?constipation those are all signs of teething.if she is i truly recommend teething tablets omg they work wonders!it soothes her and makes her fall asleep!=]
You may want to take her to the pediatrician. My daughter was like that, but she had constant ear infections and we found out she was allergic to diary and soy, which caused acid reflux, which made her whine. Of course mine didn't sleep at all, for 3 months. It really sucked. It is better to be safe than sorry.
I think it is a growth-spurt. My little one is going to through the same. Growing babies are sometimes uncomfortable and accordingly rather grumpy. Cheer up yourself with the thought that on the other side lie new abilities and a couple of cheerful weeks until the next growth spurt.
sounds like you got a growing healthy baby on your hands. i know exactly what your talkin about. i got a 7mo old. she's still going through that stuff. im still waiting for her toofers to pop through (pulls hair out)