my 8 month old constantly whines all day what should I do?


New member
Aug 10, 2008
I make sure shes fed and changed and everything good, and she has a lot of toys but I just give her one or two at a time, she occupies herself for maybe 5-10 min then starts whinning. I switch it with a new toy she plays with for 5 min, she whines. she whinnes and says "mamamamamamamamama" all day long. then she gets bored of her toys and doesnt want any of her toys. I will pick her up when she gets really cranky, or sometimes sit on the floor and play with her. I will bring her up on her feet (she likes standing and trying to walk because she cant crawl- believe me I've promoted it putting her tummy with a toy out of reach every day for a bit to get her to try). So I show her things around the house, but i dont want to have to carry her all day! I thought shed have a little more independence at 8 months but it seems like she always wants me,

she also gets 12 hours sleep at night (not straight, she nurses maybe 2 x a night).
+ has 2 naps in the day, she used to have 3 naps but she would lye in her crib for an hour at each nap time crying so i cut it to 2 and she falls asleep faster. both ways (2 naps or 3 naps- shes still cranky). i think this happened around 7 months old she became crankier

should i try ignoring her?
or should i just keep giving her attention when she gets really cranky? will this stage pass (aparently this is the age of seperation anxiety)- or will i just make it worse? I dont jump the second she whines I do wait a few min. and ask her what she wants and talk to her and make eye contact in hoping she'll give me a sign (weve been working on baby sign language to help her communicate).

what do you think i should do?
i agree with the person above. more interaction. and yes toys become boring.

going for a walk, playing peek a boo, funny faces, crawling around with baby ect are all things to make baby smile and have fun.

ignoring isn't ignoring.. ITS NEGLECT! and having baby cry for a long period of time can be harmful.

play more games, you dont have to hold her the whole time, have her sit in a baby chair or ect. let her crawl around
she needs more interaction with you. toys are boring after a few minutes and provide no stimulation. It sounds like she has all she needs with sleep and food. Her brain is curious and she NEEDS to talk with you and have her mind stimulated. Play with her more, or give her toys to interact with while she sits with you WHILE you carry on a conversaytion with her. Even if you are busy you can talk to her and ask her questions and make eye contact with her like you are carrying on a conversation with her. She is SO young and not able to learn things without your help. You cannot expect her to entertain herself when you dont model things to do - and that will take a few more months. She is bored. Try putting on some kid music and dancing around so she laughs. Read a simple book and then give it to her to look at. That might capture her attention for another 5 minutes. lol. You have to expect and accept that she needs more one on one interaction to be happy. Try getting a neighbor kid or friend's kid to come over and entertain her if you dont have the time. a volunteer thing. All she needs is attention and fun things to do. Her mind and brain are growing. This is the time to do the work!