
  1. F

    weigh 102kg 5'8" help please weightloss diet plan inc workout?

    I weigh 102kg and am 5'8" don't tell me im obese or anything i know this! my bmi is 33 or something like that so i know i have to lose weight and i need to do it now before anything terrible happens! please i would love it if someone could help me out. im using an app called myfitnesspal to...
  2. J

    Workout Music

    What motivates you to work out? I like something that I can dance too. Dancing is the easiest way to workout in my opinion, because it's so much fun. I like working out if I don't feel like I'm doing it just to do it. What's your opinion about it.
  3. B

    Workout dvd for women!?

    I'm a little heavy and my body fat is average. I want to start getting back into it! Goal: toned legs, butt, arms & abs! Don't want: fat thighs, arms & a pooch belly. Possible, booob fat? Lol What would be the best workout DVDs to do at home? List: Butt -brazilan buttlift Just need help on...
  4. L

    Love handles workout ?

    What are some workouts that would help with my love handles ? home workout please
  5. J

    Alot of pain in the arms after workout?

    So here's my situation. I'm a fifteen year old boy who is around 170 cm and 83 kg, and I just started to go to the gym yesterday. I lifted only 1-2 kg weights with machines, yet I'm feeling alot of pain in my arms. I can barely move and turn them without feeling pain. Is it normal?
  6. I

    Has this workout worked for many people or not?

    I'm trying to shed off quite a few pounds. I'm meeting up with my long distance (boy)friend. I'm not sure yet, haha. And I want to look my very best. How has Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred worked for any of you? Did you lose weight? Look skinnier? Gain muscle? Or anything? My friend tried it...
  7. E

    Would it be bad to drink green juice before a workout?

    For breakfast, I always just make my own "green juice" (Cucumber, celery, romaine, kale, broccoli stem, lemon, and green apple), but soon I'm going to switch to working out in the morning instead of at night. I know that when you have carbs before a workout, you're essentially burning off those...
  8. J

    Can I workout my upperbody if I have a sprained knee?

    Okay so I sprained my knee yesterday at about 1:00 in the morning. I didn't go to a doctor because, obviously I didn't want to spend hundreds of dollars, so I'm hoping it will heal. But can I still workout my upperbody? I was planning on doing bench, curls, and push ups. I'm not going to do...
  9. J

    Looking at my workout plan, how long to see results on the gym?

    I am quite skinny and I am planning to go gym more often. I am going to say what I planning to do in the gym and assuming I have am doing good with other factors of weight gaining and muscle repairsuch as eating and sleeping. Could you guys give me an estimation of when . Should start seeing...
  10. J

    I need Help about this workout plan?

    Im 15 and this is what i think is a good workout plan just to like stay in shape since its summer and stuff but anyways here it is. 20 push ups, 300 i think 5 pound weights so 150 each arm, 30-50 sit ups. Repeat every weekday and rest on weekends?
  11. R

    Is swimming a good workout for Basketball players?

    I've been swimming everyday for the past week and Noticed it has helped my Stamina a lot because I just played an entire 40 minute game yesterday which I hadn't done for a long time. My question is what swim type is best for basketball? Also what other pool workouts are good for basketball...
  12. B

    College Football Workout?

    Hi I'm A sophomore at a community college and i play football. I'm 6'0 and play wide receiver. I want to transfer to play football at a Division I Football Program. I'm asking does anybody know a workout split i can do Monday-Friday that can help with muscle mass. I'm not skinny, but i want to...
  13. J

    Do i need to fit a workout in to another day or can i still build mass muscle from

    this? If i did Chest on monday would a 7 day rest be good? Like to do it again next monday or do muscles need to be worked in less amount of days? Or is this a good rest?
  14. R

    Opinions on this workout routine?

    So I'm very much a beginner when it comes to gym and weights etc. I'm 18 y/o female, 95 lbs and looking to build muscle, get toned and put on weight. I just joined the gym and one of the trainers there set me up on a program and what exercises I should do. This is what he suggested: 20-25...
  15. Y

    Is it bad or good to eat after a workout?

    Hello I'm going to start working out and my schedule is to workout a bit in the morning then afternoon is my long workout lol I was wondering is it bad or good to eat dinner after a workout, better yet what's your scheduel I really am determin to loose weight, the amount of weight I am determind...
  16. J

    is this workout rountine good for muscle mass building?

    ok i am 17, currently 125lbs, 5"3 and started the gym about 5 months ago. i sord of made my own workout rountine because i didnt know what to follow. this is my chest workout rountine, pls give advice/ suggest these r the machines i use -peck deck machine -machine chest press -smith bench press...
  17. H

    The new encyclopedia of modern bodybuilding, LEVEL 1 WORKOUT HELP!?

    Okay hi so for those that have read the book i was wondering in the book the level 1 workout is workout 1: bench press, incline press, pullovers, chin ups, bent over rows. Workout 2: barbell clean and press, dumbell lateral raises, standing barbell curls, seated dumbell curls, close grip press...
  18. A

    Anyone know a great workout routine i can follow up on?

    Does anyone have a great workout routine i can do on a day to day basis that doesnt require weights or spending to much money. Something to help build a little muscle and to tone the rest of my body? It would be greatly appreciated.
  19. A

    Which dvd workout is easy and effective to loose weight?

    I got the diet cover but I'm looking for a workout that isn't too hard but effective. I'm plaining to get Turbo Jam but I'm not sure.
  20. Lisa

    My legs ache after yesterdays workout, should i workout anyway?

    i did squats and my thighs are aching, i have an odd walk butt hurts too but i dont wana stop, im doing a challenge safe to continue?