weigh 102kg 5'8" help please weightloss diet plan inc workout?


New member
Aug 23, 2013
I weigh 102kg and am 5'8" don't tell me im obese or anything i know this! my bmi is 33 or something like that so i know i have to lose weight and i need to do it now before anything terrible happens!
please i would love it if someone could help me out.
im using an app called myfitnesspal to start watching my caloric intake i want to be consuming around1600-1700 cals a day and i'm at school during the day so i need some help with making healthy things i can take to school.
so it would be a great help if someone could help me by giving me a meal plan with a shopping list of what ill need for the week. also i have a juicer if i need to have a juice in the morning or afternoon or whatever for the meal plan.
it would also be a great help if you could give me an idea for a workout plan mainly bodyweight things and some on the treadmill.

please guys i'm desperate and my friends and family don't help with always encouraging bad food choices.

please email me if you need to for anything else at flab2fitnao @ gmail.com no spaces

my measurments are

waist:42 inches hips: 47.5 bust:41 thighs:27 calves:17 bicep:15 forearm:11 wrist:7 ankle: 9.25

all measurments are in inches

please help me!