
  1. R

    Will Heat haters disappear for good now?

    The Heat have won 2 championships in a row. Will the haters wave the white flag and start appreciating the greatness of this team?
  2. J

    Haters I shall prove you wrong about Bieber.?

    I said i'd prove you wrong not change your opinion. Give me legit reasons why you hate him. and come back in like 5 minutes and you'll see how dumb you look :)
  3. T

    Why do haters of faith come in here to rant and mock the faithful, and God, if

    they don't believe in Him? Is that a sign of their insecurities? They come in here ranting and raving about christians and their way of life, crying over hell and a God they do not believe in. This does not seem to be logical, or rational. why do they concern with God they don't believe in Him...
  4. T

    Why do haters of faith come in here to rant and mock the faithful, and God, if...

    ...they don't believe in Him? Is that a sign of their insecurities? They come in here ranting and raving about christians and their way of life, crying over hell and a God they do not believe in. This does not seem to be logical, or rational. why do they concern with God they don't believe in...
  5. T

    So what's up with the trend in Twilight haters and lovers?

    I remember back when the books came out, people were going nuts and crackers over them. For example this one friend, was crazy, she bought the books, swooned over the sparkling vampires, claimed Stephanie Meyer was "amaaaazing". Fast forward a year down the line, she's contradicting herself. All...
  6. M

    Do you laugh at your haters?

    I do because I know how sad and full of envy they are XD .
  7. G

    Jersey Shore Recap: Haters in Italy? Guido Problems. Hating on Mike? His Own Problem.

    Last week we were rudely left with a cliffhanger as Snooki spilled the beans about having sexual intercourse with Vinny to her newly reconciled boyfriend Jionni. Did he freak out? Did...
  8. J

    This is hilarious: Obama lovers and Obama haters will both laugh?

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vu5gFXfRO7o&feature=related @ Lisa, a virus from youtube? What kind of an idiot are you?
  9. G

    Why are most people haters?

    Even in one my questions a girl consist on critisizin on my spellin others hate on how ya dress n most hate on criminals. Do we really need all the hate?
  10. A

    Rate and help me with my Blue/Green MTG deck (MTG haters don't answer)?

    Deck: 15 forests (added 3 more for control): 12 islands: Deck: Duskdale Wurm Cudgel Troll Aether Adept Prophetic Prism Cancel Baloth Wood crasher Dryad's Favor Azure Drake Scroll Thief Cloud Elemental Hunter's Feast Boar Umbra Maritime Guard Acidic Slime Garruk's Packleader Overgrown...
  11. A

    Why do Toyota Haters like "Charged" Block others from giving honest answers in

    Why do Toyota Haters like "Charged" Block others from giving honest answers in Toyota room? He blocks them and uses other Yahoo accounts to answer his own questions and then vote for himself. Why does he do that?
  12. A

    Why are there so many haters on the sport of cycling?

    I don't mean the people who are into cycling, they are typically nice people from what I seen, but just some random people you tell about the sport you do, some people ask me what sport I like and I tell them cycling. They ask, "well how's that" I tell them I averaged 14.6 mph doing 162 miles...
  13. L

    Why is Y!A filled with Atheist haters?

    Just looking at the religion category has more then half of arguments on different beliefs. Why can't we just be believing in whatever we want without someone telling us we are wrong and should die. BTW I respect everyone's beliefs. Sorry for my grammar there.
  14. L

    Why is Y!A filled with Atheist haters?

    Just looking at the religion category has more then half of arguments on different beliefs. Why can't we just be believing in whatever we want without someone telling us we are wrong and should die. BTW I respect everyone's beliefs. Sorry for my grammar there.
  15. J

    Why do Christians act like atheists are the haters when they want us to burn in hell?

    As an atheist myself, i have no problem with Christians, I'm all for love thy neighbour etc. What DOES annoy me is A)if they preach at me and try to get me to convert and B) tell me i am wrong and sinful Now I don't know what the logic behind telling atheists that they will go to hell for not...
  16. A

    Justin Bieber quiz for haters?

    1-How much do you like him on a scale of 1-10 (10 being best)? 2-Have you ever thought he was a girl? Why? 3-What do you think of his hair? 4-What do you think of his dance moves? 5-Do you think he deserves to be famous? 6-Do you think he is the 'new' Michael Jackson? 7-Favorite song by Justin...
  17. T

    Do we WWE Fans bash/complain about WWE just as much as WWE Haters? + BQ?

    Haters usually just bag WWE when they encounter fans of the product, but we complain about it all the time and bash certain wrestlers so much it isn't funny. BQ: Do you have a YouTube? If so, what?
  18. S

    Mormons, Christians and other gay haters - what is your reaction on California's end

    of the gay marriage ban? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100804/ap_on_re_us/us_gay_marriage_trial;_ylt=Aum4G27aJL1D.UziNPnZnHys0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTJpa250ZG1tBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwODA0L3VzX2dheV9tYXJyaWFnZV90cmlhbARwb3MDNQRzZWMDeW5fbW9zdF9wb3B1bGFyBHNsawNqdWRnZW92ZXJ0dXI- This question is aimed at those...
  19. C

    For all of you Cheer haters, give me 5 valid reasons why you think cheer isn't a...

    ...sport.? It is a lot harder than you make it out to be. I'd like to see you try a double down cradle or back tuck to full...but give me 5 VALID REASONS. Not like: "your sluts" cause that's just immature and innapropriate.
  20. T

    Did you know if you ask a question about "Twilight", Twilight haters

    will rant about how it sucks and you suck? Personal experience. If someone hates Twilight so bad, then they shouldn't be answering Twilight questions in the first place.