
  1. P

    Are Homo haters destined for Hell?

    According to Jesus we are suppose to love our enemies and not have hatred in our hearts towards others but rather compassion. We are told that as we forgive or judge others it will be also measured to us by the same measurement. So are people who hate others destined for hell? If I was to...
  2. F

    Do you think that the Twilight saga has more haters than lovers?

    I think so... Don't get me wrong. Just asking to kill some time of my miserable life ;-)
  3. R

    LOL WHERE ARE ALL the greece haters?

    my question wont appear, so here: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AhADT3v7ANyXA3UacbJ8mk7sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20100617085804AApHjL4
  4. A

    any joke on Justin Bieber for J B haters?

    i just want to see how much people hate J B
  5. M

    Why are Kobe haters aka LeBrick lovers still here whining about Kobe?

    mentioning LeBrick in the same sentence with the God of Basketball aka Black Mamba?
  6. D

    Don't you love to hear Obama/Democrat haters whine?

    1st is was they didn't like the thought of using the super majority to ram the health care bill through with no Republican support. Then when Scott Brown got in they complained that Obama was weak because he couldn't even pass the bill with a super majority. Now when talks of using...
  7. M

    Swingers Lifestyle Question.... Why So many Haters?? lol?

    Me and my fiance love sex and have been thinking about just seeing what the lifestyle is about. Which leads me to my question. Why do people hate and crucify swingers??? Especially a lot of men knowing that if 2 women wanted to do him he would in a heartbeat?? It's just like some people who dont...
  8. C

    Exactly what part of homosexuality is wrong according to the Holy Homo Haters?

    lol...the homosexual part....LOL...
  9. B

    Ok Cena Haters how long will you guys stay up complaining about Cena winning?

    Isn't it past your bed time? The Cenation won and I told you Cena would win. Tell me, how many hours will you spend on the internet tonight complaining about John Cena? Ryan M thats clearly not fact. Please try again. LOL its funny to see you guys get all upset over a wrestler. John Cena won...
  10. I

    Why is there so much haters towards nice celebs in this world?

    For example Taylor Swift she is probably one of the nicest celebs but she is hated by so many people. I'm thinking that the haters are mainly jonas fans which just makes me think they are stupid as joe was the one that broke up with taylor. What taylor did after words was just what ant girl...
  11. H

    Twilight fan haters... Why?

    Ok so I have noticed that there are alot of Twilight fan haters. Why is that. I know it's like the "New Craze" and people are just not into that stuff but why do you have to hate on the fans?
  12. L

    Quiz; Only For TH FANS! Haters Get Jealous (:?

    Hey (: Just Copy And Paste below this -- okay.. (: ace out. ------------------------------------------------------------------ So Hello, Tell Me About Tokio Hotel. Name the FOUR band members; Name the TWO twins; Who Plays The Bass? Guitar? Drums? Singer? How much does Tom Weigh (Ouff...
  13. D

    This is to all redneck haters help?

    My guess is by "red neck" you mean "cracker" the terms are both racist remarks, so they are not alone there, you fit right in. Most "red necks" are country folks, and are NOT racist. that being said, I suggest http://www.insultmonger.com as a place to start. Good luck.
  14. L

    how to deal with internet haters?

    so, i met a couple of haters in the net long, long ago and until now they're still obsessed with me. it started when i was just expressing my opinion in a forum and suddenly they told horrible things about me and even one of them posted it in their blog! she grabbed some pictures from my...
  15. S

    Are Harley Davidson haters just jealous?

    Ya know... I've been riding a long time and I've ridden all kinds of differen't bikes. With the exception of some good natured joking between friends Yahoo Answers is the only place I've seen this nonsense. I don't know if it's because the Harley haters are afraid to say anything in person and...
  16. J

    Why do some fans assume haters are jealous of celebrities?

    Before anyone says anything, I am a fan of the Jonas Brothers, Demi Lovato, and a few of the Disney stars, so none of the fans can argue that I am being biased, because I AM a fan. A HUGE fan (mainly the Jonas Brothers, but that's not the point) And I see a lot of fans of mainly disney channel...
  17. A

    Is this stupid or just be it's about Twilight haters and obbsesers?

    Sorry if I spell that Wrong. Ok people who are overly obsessed with Twilight? I love the book yes I think the movie could have been 10 times better they could have picked better lead actors(where did that come from? who knows? back on topic) Ok why do people get SO obsessed? and why do other...
  18. P

    Twilight haters, answer this question?

    Will you stop ranting ALL the time at us Twilighters? You're really stupid and we all know that you're only jealous of SMeyer's success compared to JK Rowling who is RUBBISH compared to SMeyer. Get out of Books&Authors and get over yourselves.
  19. M

    Twilight Haters Unite!!!!?

    those freakin twilight fans keep reporting my questions just because i criticize twilight!!!!!! twiilght haters, please, please help me!! we need to unite against those rabid whore fan girls!!! i wish they all die and get raped. i hope meyer died in a car crash