So what's up with the trend in Twilight haters and lovers?


New member
Nov 12, 2011
I remember back when the books came out, people were going nuts and crackers over them. For example this one friend, was crazy, she bought the books, swooned over the sparkling vampires, claimed Stephanie Meyer was "amaaaazing". Fast forward a year down the line, she's contradicting herself. All those twilight lovers have now turned into twilight haters. :/
What's up with that? O.O
People are just siding with majority I'm assuming.
Also, a lot can change in a year. People mature a little, start reading other things, and look back to think that Twilight really wasn't as great as they thought.
Some people were never Twilight lovers, nor will they ever be. Some people will always love it. Some people may have loved it and genuinely changed their opinion about it because their literary tastes have changed. Some people may have loved it and now pretend to hate it because it is supposedly fashionable to do so.

I have never read it nor do I have any desire to because the idea of Mormon propaganda written at a middle school or high school level doesn't much appeal to me, but I do not begrudge others their right to read and enjoy whatever they like.
It's either because the movie-make sucked,it's over-hyped,or like I was contemplating earlier after a while people just get tired of the hype.Like ten years from now those same "twi-hards" are going to look back and think "what did I see in this series?"Also this book has been written a thousand times.After Twilight came out it was written a thousand times more.
I understand the love/hate. I loved them at first, but in hindsight and after reading similar novels, I've realized twilight isn't that great. So it makes sense that others have also done this.

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