
  1. R

    On Eschatology: Christians, since Jesus said that the signs of the time...

    ...indicates that ...? His return or coming is NEAR even at the doors (Matthew 24:33 & Mark 13:29) ... and considering the current worldwide calamities, disasters, wars, etc that we now face ... do you think that the present world-government under man's rule would take more than 10 years from...
  2. M

    Christians, what is a "fact" and how do your beliefs compare to facts?

    I just want to see if you understand what a fact is well enough to articulate it. Because, I'm beginning to think none of you has a clue about what a fact is. <---------- atheist "I wonder if you are asking whether God confirms His existence to us in reality. The answer is yes." No, I want to...
  3. S

    why were early christians confused about who was jesus christ?

    some of them deny his resurrection, others didn't believe that he was divine, others separate Jesus from God and he was a man and he became God or something like that, and the catholic councils fought against those ideas like arranism.
  4. T

    Christians: if you were pregnant with the anti-Christ, would you have it aborted?

    I don't believe in super villians...but lets just say that this were to happen. And don't dodge the question with: "oh well that wouldn't happen to me because I am so utterly Christian". No I want a straight answer.
  5. G

    How did atheists and Christians get to Church before the GPS was created, did...

    ...they just listen for the bells? Or did they have to familiarize themselves with neighborhoods and learn how to read an atlas when visiting a church in another city.
  6. L

    why do some christians insist that we should keep the saturday?

    if jesus abolished the OT laws with his sacrifice and we are saved by grace not by works and the saturday was for the jewish people not for the christians, since the new testament didn't mention a day for resting and the celebration of the memorial of the last supper of Christ is mentioned by...
  7. J

    Christians: Do you have faith Unicorns don't exist?

    Or do reject the claim Unicorns exist? If you reject the claim Unicorns exist, then you would understand atheism isn't based on faith.
  8. T

    Christians: Why would you worship a god that would send your unsaved...

    ...loved ones to hell? How could you find any comfort in knowing that the deity you will be worshiping and praising for all eternity sent your Mother, Father, sister or brother or your children to a fiery hell full of torment just because they didn't believe the way you do? That to me makes you...
  9. T

    Christians and most religious folks. Does god exist because we have no

    other explanation of how life? started? Or does god exist because many scientists say life happening on its own is a very slim chance? Or doe god exists because you have a book which was written by man and not god tells you he exists? Or does god exist because the bible is the word of god...
  10. 2

    Christians, how do you reply to atheists who tell you that prayer is a waste of time?

    As a Christian, what do you think about prayer? What is your own experience in prayer? Has it been a waste of time for you? Or not? If so, why so. If not, why not? NOTE: Atheists, Hi...I expect it is nonsense to you because it doesn't exist for you. I put this...
  11. K

    Why do christians hang out in the religion and spirituality section?

    is it to attack the unreligious people?
  12. J

    Christians, if you are feeling evil homosexual thoughts, this is how to cure...

    ...yourself...? Get three long metal rods, then stick each one into a different hole in a plug socket. Stick the rods in your eyes, and flick the switch! The world is now a better place with less evilness and depravity. Even if you don't get such sinful thoughts, do this anyway! It prevents...
  13. O

    Christians you know why we don't believe?

    How do you expect people to believe that a talking serpent is real? A man that can walk on water? An ark that was built to fit every species of animals in the world during the great flood? A man dying and coming back to life? The same man that's going to come down on a cloud with all his glory...
  14. P

    Christians, does this article make a difference to you as to why it is so

    important to listen....? to the voice of the Lord? I think it's interesting and helpful! I am going to listen more now. Thanks for responding.
  15. W

    Cant Christians just admit Anne Frank is in Hell?

    If you’re a Bible-believing Christian, then the (Jewish) Anne Frank is burning in hell. I don’t get why so many self-professed Christians can’t be honest about their beliefs. If their beliefs are true, Anne Frank is in hell. She was Jewish. She didn’t “accept Christ in her heart.” She’s still...
  16. 2

    Christians, has Jesus Christ helped you in the areas of emotional or mental health?

    Hi Christians, I ask this because of this news article today on Yahoo...
  17. E

    If the second coming of Christ turned up tomorrow would Christians...

    ...sacrifice and eat him on the altar...? like they currently do, as way of communion? James "So…now you're accusing us of cannibalism? It was meant to be symbolic" The bread and the wine become the actual body and blood of Christ. The Catholic term for this is Transubstantiation.
  18. E

    Do Christians realize that King James I (commissioned: KJV Bible) had...

    ...many male lovers? The King's lover George Villiers reciprocated the King's love, writing back to James: "I naturally so love your person, and adore all your other parts, which are more than ever one man had," "I desire only to live in the world for your sake" and "I will live and die a lover...
  19. C

    For Christians: I realize premarital sex was wrong but am already cohabitating?

    This question is aimed at Christians who affirm my belief that premarital sex is wrong. I have recently rediscovered my faith after several years of bad choices. I have been cohabitating with a man for about a year, a decision that I made before realizing that it was a huge mistake. For...
  20. E

    Does an evolving God, throw Christians a life-buoy when considering who

    created the creator? I've often wondered why Christians don't grab this with both hands, as it gives them a get out of jail card with respect to the what came before God paradox? Despite this, there is no proof for God, so they still have all their work ahead of them, and more work still to...