If the second coming of Christ turned up tomorrow would Christians...


May 24, 2008
...sacrifice and eat him on the altar...? like they currently do, as way of communion?
James "So…now you're accusing us of cannibalism? It was meant to be symbolic"

The bread and the wine become the actual body and blood of Christ. The Catholic term for this is Transubstantiation.
just kidding no. this is kind of a dick thing to ask. Of course that's not going to happen.
However, if or when he does come, who knows if he will be accepted... i suspect not. Remember the first time he came, he was widely rejected by his own people. Think of all the people on the news/etc that often come out and say they are Jesus returned or something... When the real Jesus comes back, unless it's huge and from the sky, I think it will go exactly the same... he may go widely ignored and disbelieved.
but he won't be eaten dumbass.