Christians, has Jesus Christ helped you in the areas of emotional or mental health?


Jun 15, 2010
Hi Christians,

I ask this because of this news article today on Yahoo.;_ylc=X3oDMTdpbXM0cjBrBF9TAzIwMjM1MzgwNzUEYQMxMzA1MTkgbmV3cyBkc20tNSBzaGFyZWQgc3RvcmllcyBwBGNjb2RlA3NzZ2EEY3BvcwM0BGQDZXNsBGVkAzEEZwNpZC0zMjgwNjg4BGludGwDdXMEaXRjAzAEbHR4dAMmIzM5O1RoZXJlJiMzOTtzbm93aXNoaW5nYXdheSYjMzk7bWVudGFsaWxsbmVzcwRwa2d0AzEEcGtndgMxMwRwb3MDMQRzZWMDdGQtZmVhBHNsawNpbWFnZQR0YXIDbmV3cy55YWhvby5jb20EdGVzdAM5MDAEd29lAzI0NDI3NDA5/RV=1/RE=1370241551/RH=aHNyZC55YWhvby5jb20-/RO=2/RU=aHR0cDovL25ld3MueWFob28uY29tL3Bob3Rvcy9mYWNlcy1vZi1tZW50YWwtaWxsbmVzcy1wYXRpZW50cy1zaGFyZS10aGVpci1zdG9yaWVzLTEzNjgwMzAzMDEtc2xpZGVzaG93Lw--/RS=%5EADAf0wRQxHbLf67AAF3rPCPHLh1n6Q-

These just show the accounts of a whole variety of people representing a small
segment of mental or emotional illness. Yahoo is hoping through this showing
that there will be less 'stigma' to this.

Men returning from war, teens who must perform, young people with problems
like autism who don't understand...the list is very long, and seems quite

Society tends to shun these people, wants to pretend it doesn't exist.
It does.

So, the question here is above, has knowing Jesus Christ helped you in
any of those areas? If you don't feel comfortable discussing it exactly,
no need at all, just point out if Christianity helped you.

If this question were up for me, I'd have a whole lot to say,
so I thought some might like to bring glory to God in this way here.

NOTE: to atheists, for you, I'm sure medications and therapists ARE also
great choices at times. But for Christians, sometimes ...for us...
this is just way better, as in comparison.
Yes, I've struggled with depression, anger, and many other emotional problems God helps me. It's not a one time cure. It's something you need to fight for everyday though. But you don't need medicine:)
Jesus completely healed me from severe depression and mental/pshycilogical issues.
I was praying and it was as if lightning struck me, I was instantly healed...
Yes, when I was younger I was very sad and confused. I am now a joyful, confident woman who understands why the world looks so awful. The bible had my answers.
Remember that God says that with out Faith that there cannot be any miracles for it is with faith that Miracles happen. And people are healed because of there faith. And yes to your question I have been healed many times because of health problems or mental feelings that seek to come upon me by the devil trying to destroy me from doing the things that God would have me do.
For a Christian being able to fall back on the fact that God knows what is best and everything will work out for the best in the end, makes anxiety troubles much easier to deal with.
A few years ago i joined the marine corps. After the marines when i entered back into the real world i learned i had no emotions anymore. I could bootstomp you till your brains leaked out or brutally murder your child and not think twice about it. Like completely emotionally void. I still struggle with emotions but yes i do feel like the lord has been helping me recover my emotions
Truely, Truely, the gospel of Jesus has saved alot of people from me killmg them, especially psych pros. And saved me from going to prison too.
Oh course christians are going to say "yes, god/jesus has helped me, he is amazing.. yadda yadda" they are taught and were brought up to say/believe that. So what is the point of asking about something like that? If I believed in a spaghetti monster who loves all and magically heals, if I overcame a problem I suppose some of that would be because of the spaghetti monster.

It is a question, but not all questions are deserving of an answer. Just a way to promote religious belief, proves nothing. Actual help through "group therapy" style, and just having a support group of friends and family and from society in general is what helps. If you want to place that burden on something that does not exist, you are in for disappointment.

@Person(s) who down voted me, why? I am always curious, are you insulted by being judged by reason or logic? Or just because you disagree with me? I stated my answer to a question, on q/a forum how did that upset you? If you please.