
  1. P

    do christians teach the messiah that jewish are awaiting is the anti-christ?

    and the true messiah is only jesus christ?
  2. T

    Do Christians love Jesus more than their families?

    @NDMA You don't even know 100% if he is real or not. You God must have a huge ego if he demands that. You would make a bad parent. Please don't breed? God is a myth bro.
  3. Z

    Christians: Am i the only one who thinks atheists are pathetic losers?

    I know we're supposed to accept everyone but how can i pretend i accept atheists when all they do is constantly mock our beliefs ?
  4. G

    So Christians, since I'm a Christian Atheist, would I be viewed by you as being

    a believer in Jesus Christ? even though I'm an Atheist who happen to view Christianity as being a culture and admire the many architecture and discipline of Judea Christian work ethic? I personally like Christmas, Thanksgiving, and listening to singing Christians music, but I don't believe in...
  5. P

    why don't christians pray to jesus christ?

    if jesus christ is GOD according to the christian theology so Jesus is the name of God and he is God because Jehovah is totally off the context of the christianity, I found in christianity, they pray to God in the name of Jesus so jesus isn't God?
  6. B

    Is this what the christians think about us Atheists,lol. Do they think we're

    friends with silly satanists?
  7. S

    So christians and atheists are the same?

    From what ive seen they both believe in something and act like children to one another insulting intelligence. They mostly have theorys about the universes existance no 100% fact and neither know exactly what happens after death. So why do it then? Learn to love one another and respect opinions...
  8. T

    Why do Christians like to sugar coat the things in their religion that don't

    sound nice? What is wrong with being blunt? @View Sorry simpleton.
  9. F

    Question For Fellow Christians?

    Before the first new perversion was published in 1881 (the RV), the King James Bible was published, preached, and taught throughout the world. God blessed these efforts and hundreds of millions were saved. Today, with the many new translations on the market, very few are being saved. The great...
  10. L

    Christians: is Christ divine? or just a perfect human?

    Reason I ask is many Christians who deny the trinity doctrine seem to imply that Christ, although God's Son, has no power in and of Himself... like what J-dubbs and Muslims teach. Thing is, why put faith in salvation provided by a mere fellow human? I'd rather suppose that Christ is both human...
  11. S

    Why Christians are very obedient to the Jews...?

    why?? . otach ha yehudim, ken? Tzohora'im Tovim
  12. L

    Christians: What is our purpose on earth?

    Why did we come here? What are we meant to do on earth?
  13. R

    ATHEISTS and CHRISTIANS you're no better than each other... aren't you all

    HYPOCRITES..............? .....if you turn a blind-eye? Atheists who want to expose Christian hypocrisy... Christians whose duty it is to set a good example... Example in history: If it's true that Hitler posed as a so-called Christian and used Christianity as a platform, then aren't...
  14. I

    Atheists & Christians, am i pretty?

    please tell me that im pretty or no cookies for you, & rate me from 1 to 10.
  15. K

    Christians, please answer a serious and sincere question?

    According to your religion, if a man marries a woman thinking her to be a virgin, and then discovers she is not, is it appropriate Christian behavior to go seeking punishment or retribution against her? I thought your religion preaches turning the other cheek and loving your neighbor; surely a...
  16. C

    it is bad I find this picture hilarious! Is this offensive to Christians!?
  17. G

    Christians not beliving in Jesus Christ and beliving that he is evil is the

    unforgivable sin? We're christians so we never do this
  18. J

    Why do homosexuals think Christians are taking away their rights?

    In my neighborhood gays have alot of rights the right to stay out of our bars, the right to never walk the street holding hands, the right to get a wine bottle smashed over their heads. The lesbos can get it too beat em if you are a woman and you want to act like a man then you should be...
  19. P

    Why do U.S. Christians loathe blacks, and hispanics so much?

    In national surveys, fewer and fewer Americans admit openly to holding racist views--for instance the view that African Americans are less intelligent than white Americans. Many polls have attempted to measure racial and ethnic stereotyping by presenting declarative statements of negative...
  20. R

    "The problem with Christians is they aren't as good as Jesus. But thank God most?

    "The problem with Christians is they aren't as good as Jesus. But thank God most? Muslims are better than Muhammad." Do you agree with this quote by Wafa Sultan? Wafa Sultan is an ex muslim woman who has incurred the wrath of Mullahs in the muslim world.