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  1. Q

    Andy Capp Fries

    Why do half of your posts have something to do with poor people/being rich?
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    If you had to kill someone you hated...

    I Love Everybody, Except The Fag Who Made This Thread!
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    Saddam Hussein sentenced...

    Aye, and I'm a child killing, civilian raping, innocent massacreing monster. But the media is full of idiots Balsamic Strawberries? You would try to tempt me with something that sounds really good, you evil monster
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    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    He probably thinks both sides are being gomers.....
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    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    i'll take that as a no..
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    funnies thing ever

    I was waiting for a punchline....
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    Leave my friend a message.

    2 pages, lol.
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    7 y/o steals car because " he wants to do hood rat things wit his freinds"

    7 y/o steals car because " he wants to do hood rat things wit his freinds" lol hood rat
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    Its about that time. iTunes cleaning time!

    Fuckin noob. Im pushing 15,000 Edit: fuck you dwion
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    I'm with Simon, don't give up, go around
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    Nacho Cheese or Cool Ranch DORITOS

    Which one do you preffer?
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    Rear car speakers sound shaky?

    Your rear speakers are blown. Just because you hear music doesnt mean they are not blown. Replace them and I guarantee they wont sound "shaky" . Hope this helped.
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    Chi powers are real, they are, THEY ARE!!

    For a "valued member" with 1100 posts that was horrible.
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    I just got braces.

    this you?
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    What shocking things did you learn today?

    There is such a thing as a giant otter and they can get up to 2.5 mtres in size. That's awesome.
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    Anti-VG Propaganda

    Duke Nukem came out in what, 1994, 1995? I was I think 9 when it came out, and played it for a couple of years on and off. Quake and Doom, too. I didn't exactly face many moral decisions, when it came to "should I or shouldn't I shoot the hot dancing chicks?" the decision was made by the time...
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    funyn pic thread

    yah yesterday on like pg 19 or so i founda funy thread where there be a yellow sign that says this is ur brian and this is ur brain on drugs and underneath it says this is ur buthole and this is your but hole in prison and the first comment is say no to big pooper i need help find this thread
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    Online gaming, making movies, circus art, and ice-skating.
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    GIRLS - What do you think of my new, leaner body? (Serious)

    Very nice.. Just work on your tan.