Israel Blockades Lebanon

There is ceasefire. WOOOOOOOO! I hope it lasts.

In further news Hezbollah and Israel have stopped shooting at each other.
seems like he know what he's talking about. How can you for DOD and camplain about soldiers being brainwashed to kill civilians? You are participating.
I had sworn to myself not to enter this thread untill things had calmed a bit.
So,it's now or never.
I have been greatly dissapointed by the manny black or white statements in this thread and the fanatic statements in some cases.
Being a mainland European gives me the opportunety to be impartial in this,so i think it's time for some verry serius questions.
This conflict has been absolutely disgusthing to me,there can be no winners in this,only loosers.
Who is to blame for this ?????
Well,i'm affraid both sides are to blame (like allways)
So manny mistakes have been made,again,on both sides.
What i'm gooing to tell you now will be a chock to some of you,but i can assure you,i'm compleately honest in this,i don't choose sides.
A few days ago,a Flemisch aidworker returned from the Lebanon.
He had been there for manny years and knows hezbolah verry well.
He clearly states that hezbolah ore not the bare monsters whe think they are.
He makes a completely different picture of what whe are seeing in the west
and says the Lebanese population hates Israel for what happend.
The manny innocent victimes have created a sea of hate and bitternis,the ideal breedingground for new generations of terrorists.
Most consider themselfs as freedomfighters and not as terrorists.
And terrorists don't grow on threes,do thy ???
So,haw could it come this far ???
The state of Israel has several small extremist political parties who had a severe impact for manny years.
Thy have been responseble for the manny illegal setllements outside of Israels borders and nowone seems to be able to stop them.
This unfortunatly means that hondreds of palestinian farmers lost their land,without compensation.
So,i wass thinking:if you would tell an American farmer that you confiscate his land,without even giving a single dollar in return,what would be his reaction???
I think if he would have a shotgun,you would have to run verry hard to save your life.
The sons of a Palestinian farmer will join hezbolah to take revenge(or have justice),but this reaction is basicly thesame.
Would whe call that American farmer a terrorist for his reaction ???
Yet,that's exactly what whe will do with that Palestinian.
Some Palestinian refugeecamps exist for more then 40 years now.
They to are the ideal breedingground for hate and revengefeelings.
They are bommed frequently,usely with innocent victimes(martires)
Nowone has tried to help them,and strangly NO ARAB COUNTRY HAS DONE
So are you surprised that these peaple have lost all hope and that thy are disparate.
Peaple without a future,without hope for thair children are dangerus peaple,thy have nothing to loose,there simply is nothing.
Can you blame them for that????
So becoming a "martire",a terrorist to us might seem the only why out.
I'm not trying to accept terror,i'm a mutch against it as you are,but i do try to understand WHY ???
Whe will never be able to defeat terror if whe can't take away it's roots.
That means whe have to understand where it comes from and what the resons are.
There has been frequent talk in here about who was behind all this.
Usely the names of Syria and Iran came up.
WRONG,to me,the main problem is Pakistan !!!!!
That's where the religius schools are and where the fanatics are born.
Pakistan is seen as a freind of the US,at least THE RULING CLASS is !!!!
Haw manny of these schools have been closed these last years ???
Pleas,correct me if i'm wrong,but i think none !!
Makes me wunder haw mutsh real power that "ruling class" has.
I just hope whe don't get a repetition of the sjach of Iran,as Pakistan HAS nuclear weapons.
If they ever fall into the wrong hands,then wh'ere in real trubble.
The only thing i have tried to do is to come to a better understanding of the Lebanon crisis.
I'm affraid it's far mor complicated then the manny yes or no discussions i have seen in this thread and i'm verry incomplete. with my questions.
I hope this can be a new start for a more rational discussion,as i'm affraid the end of the fighting will be shortlived.
I can be wrong but i think this is not over.
Your reactions are most welcome.
Thank you for welcoming our responses.

umm what lanugage is you first language. It isn't English. Use paragraphs and correct spelling.

How does being European make you objective? It doesn't. Right

Hezbollah is a terrorist organization. A semi independant milita wih support of Iran and Syria. It started a war with Israel. It got caught staging their own propoganda for Western media outlets.
Hezbollah is a national liberation group, Hezbollah was formed to expel Israeli terrorist forces from Lebanon.

Welcome back to square one everybody.
It's the same cozy place you left from thousands of posts ago... and not a damn thing has changed... both sides digging in and going for broke.

Again - our own cozy little microcosm of the Middle East... right here at MAP.
My side...

Anyways a little news update, Israels chief "strategist" for this war has been accused of insider trading and or war profiteering. Apparently, following Hezbollahs initial attack(where they killed 8 Israelis and kidnapped two) he actually called his stockbroker and sold off tens of thousands worth of stocks. Good move, seeing as Israels market dropped more than 8% after the first 2 days of war.

In addition to reports from reservists that they were underequipped and poorly coofftopicnded.

And last, but not least, Israel is in negotiations with Hezbollah for a prisoner trade to exchange the two captured soldiers for a few Lebanese prisoners......

Talk about a success.
Didnt you know? Arguing on MAP is the solution to the worlds problems. Both sides will read this, realise they are being muppets, and buy us all beers and women for showing them sense .
in other news.. oh right there is still a war in iraq. =)

story here

"Number of Civilian Deaths Highest in July, Iraqis Say

BAGHDAD, Iraq, Aug. 15 — July appears to have been the deadliest month of the war for Iraqi civilians, according to figures from the Health Ministry and the Baghdad morgue, reinforcing criticism that the Baghdad security plan started in June by the new government has failed.

An average of more than 110 Iraqis were killed each day in July, according to the figures. The total number of civilian deaths that month, 3,438, is a 9 percent increase over the tally in June and nearly double the toll in January.

The rising numbers suggested that sectarian violence is spiraling out of control, and seemed to bolster an assertion many senior Iraqi officials and American military analysts have made in recent months: that the country is already embroiled in a civil war, not just slipping toward one, and that the American-led forces are caught between Sunni Arab guerrillas and Shiite militias."