Is this a good bulking diet plan for bodybuilding?


May 19, 2008
I eat 3,000 calories a day, roughly about: 260 grams of protein, 300 grams of carbs, and 60 grams of fat.
Meal 1: OATMEAL or OATMEAL PANCAKES - both 750 calories: 50g protein, 96g carbs, 20g fat.
Meal 2: PROTEIN SHAKE + GREEK YOGURT - 300 calories: 48g protein, 14g carbs, 7g fat.
Meal 3: CHICKEN BREAST + LONG GRAIN RICE + VEGETABLES + 2 SLICE OF WHOLEMEAL BREAD - 600 calories: 51g protein, 85g carbs, 5g fat.
Meal 4: PROTEIN SHAKE + WHOLEMEAL BAGEL (post workout) - 470 calories: 50g protein, 50g carbs, 8g fat.
Meal 5: FISH with more vegetables - 400 calories: 50g protein, ?g carbs, 20g fat.
Meal 6: 2 SLICE OF WHOLEMEAL BREAD TOASTED with 10g flora light butter - 230 calories: 9g protein, 32g carbs, 5g fat.
Before bed meal: OMELETTE with cottage cheese, 2 sliced chicken and 3 egg whites (no yolks) - 200 calories: 31g protein, 5g carbs, 6g fat.

Any constructive criticism is welcome, is this ok for a clean/moderate bulk? I train 6x a week, and am very active when outside of the gym... which is why it's 3,000 calories. Anything else I can eat for Meal 6 rather than all of them carbs or is this ok? THANKS A LOT!

I also lift 4-6 times a week.
That looks pretty good but it depends what your weight is now. Your body can only digest about 30g of protein in one serving anyways so the other stuff is just going to be excreted (pooped out). You generally want to get about 1g of protein per 1lb of body weight when bulking so if you're 180lbs or so, then you'll probably only use about 180g of protein approximately. For that reason I'd suggest you change your second meal from a protein shake to something with high calories pre workout. Try greek yogurt with honey and banana and some granola. That'll keep you going through your lift but won't overkill the protein which you won't be digesting anyways because of the pancakes in your stomach. The rest of that looks really good though.

Cheers dude, happy bulking. And just remember: when you're farting all the time, retaining water and double chinning it; if the ladies don't love you, they don't deserve you when you're shredded.