Nutrition (protein, complex carbs, etc) After 2 Workouts.....HELP?


Active member
May 12, 2008
What should my meals/snacks look like after and before an hour of lifting weights (morning, 7am) and 2 hours of swimming (4-6) every weekday.I specifically want to know after each one, because that is the time when your muscles need protein. Currently i eat cliff shot rocks , , after weight lifting so that the protein excels my muscle recovery. But i am kindof stumped as to what i should eat after swimming. What would be ideal for my body and muscles? Should i even eat protein before after weight lifting, or should i save it for afte swimming?....Opinions Please :}...oh and i am 15
Take a pre and post workout shake. Post workout shake is a little more important than a pre-workout shake. Make sure your on an empty stomach when taking the preworkout shake which should consist of 5-15 grams of dextrose sugar (quick digesting sugar) which has carbs for your energy, you also need 1-2 scoops of whey protein. For your post workout its the same thing but i would take 2 scoops of whey protein. Make sure your taking the shake immediately after you workout, thats when your body needs the protein intake the most. Even if your swimming still consider this a workout, so take a shake when your done swimming. Swimming is good cardio and if your working out and taking in alot of protein, you will have a ripped body with that training, assuming your diet is in check.
I take protein before and after a workout. Your body can only take in and use a certain amount of protien at a time so I take it an hour before I work out and right after. That way I can use protien thoguhout the whole time and none of it goes to waste because I am not taking in too much at once. I also use poweder called Cellmass which contains all the BCAAs and pretty much eveyrthing you will need for post workout nutrition. Then I usually eat a peanut butter sandwich and milk because together it makes a complete protien.