Will I get fat drinking whey protein if I'm trying to lose fat/weight and...


New member
Nov 2, 2011
...get lean muscle? I'm 21, male, 170 pounds, 5'10.

Heres my typical day:

Morning - Small bowl of oatmeal with water
Lunch - Brown Rice + Black Beans + half a Chicken Breast + Frozen Vegges + 1/4 avocodo
-Bench Press 40 mins
Then 2 scoops of whey protein after work out(48g protein, optimal nutrition 100% natural whey protein)
Dinner - Brown Rice + Black Beans + half a Chicken Breast + Frozen Vegges
-An hour after dinner = Run for 1 hour

1) Do you think I will get fat with this diet is it a good plan to LOSE weight/fat and gain muscle? My goal is to get from 170 pounds to 125-135 pounds, having a smaller frame but kind of looking muscular/defined too.

2) How much protein is in a typical average sized chicken breast? Right now I think I'm running short on the amount of protein needed I plan to start consuming canned tuna and egg whites. I know I need around 170 grams of protein a day or more.

3) Do you think instead of two scoops of whey protein after a work out, I should instead drink one scoop before a work out and another after? Or two scoops after bench pressing is good?

4) If I bench press on Mondays only, do I need to just consume 170 grams of protein on Monday and Tuesday. Or do I need to eat 170 grams of protein on weds,thurs,fri,sat,sun etc even if I only bench press on Monday? I'm confused.

thanks 4 reading i hope someone with knowledge can help me. thx
5) Do you have any tips/suggestions

note - i take the whey protein with water instead of any milk for less fat n sugar