Some what advanced nutrition question?


New member
May 25, 2008
Maybe its really simple, however unless you have a degree or experience this isn't something you should answer.
Here is my question: "How should I change my diet to gain my desired result?"

Background: I curently eat six to eight small meals a day.I ALWAYS adhere to portion sizes. Breakfast:eek:ne liter of water first and foremost, a whole grain, usualy oatmeal or cream of weat with 2 table spoons of ground flax seed, followed by one to two egg whites (Occasionally im in a hurry and replace the egg with whey protein powder)

after that my meals arent very specific other than a few guidlines. Every one contains a bit of protein, either skinless bonless chicken, turkey,or fish (I make an effort not to over do the protein portions) and a complex carb, (assuming that most common fruits and veggies are complex carbs and sugars vs simple?)

so every two to three hours after breakfast I eat a combination of lean protein with a fruit or veggie and half a liter to a liter of water.

physical fitness shcedule is simple. every day about 20 mins of speed interval training for cardio. mon tuesday thurs and fri are weight training after cardio. recently switched from low weight with high reps to high weight with low reps for muscle gain. I've also heard it is hard for your body to lose body fat while gaining muscle mass, If this is the case should I completly quit weight training? and If I do that will I lose a lot of muscle mass with the body fat percentage? Its easy to gain back so its fine I just need to know what to be prepared for.

the desired goal, is aprox 4-6 % body fat. I am currently fluxuating between 10-12.

I recently discovered I should remove all fruits from my diet possibly? then replace them with high fiber veggies?

Any information is helpful. sorry If there is too much back ground information I just dont want to leave anything out.

Contact me at [email protected] if nessicary.

Also, any credible source for the information im seeking would great. Or maybe even any body building forum that may help?

Thank you
Im 19, male, about 5'9 weighing in at 170-175

Also as far as calcium is concerned i failed to mention I have a fairly lactose sensitive stomach, so I get calcium from soy milk and rice cheeses etc.I get descent fats from fish oils, and almonds or almond butter. I also take a clinical multi vid recomended by my doctor. no. I don't have osteoporosis lmao.
Its simple friend..I wieghed 210 (mostly muscle) 15% body fat. I now weigh 188, 7% bodyfat. Lean muscle. Look better than ever and i been hardcore for 20 years. How? Cut out anything from a cow. Best thing I ever done. Went to the Sequel brand supplements (Vegan). yes i know, vegan?? It works man. I was a meat eating fool. This is the way. Drink 3 shakes a day, a bar or 2 and a good salad. Remember no cow!