Christians, how do you explain this strange aspect of your superstition?


New member
Mar 22, 2009
His reward is based on faith as it is written in Bible :
“Moreover, without faith it is impossible to please [him] well, for he that approaches God must believe that he is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him” (Hebrews 11:6).

Greeting. Raphaël.
Why would a god judge your eternal fate based on something as trivial as whether you believe it exists or not? Wouldn't it make more sense for a supposedly benevolent being to reward people based on their merits/virtues? (Don't say "we can't understand god's ways" -- it's a legitimate question, answer it.) What difference does it really make whether you think it exists or not -- how is it a f***ing issue at all?

It seems obvious to me that it's just to scare primitive people into following the religion.
well you need to believe in him to believe that as you said you will be rewarded for good behavior. Also in religion (Christian, and others) most rewards and or punishments come after death so no one can really refute whether or not its real cause they are already dead. seems smart to me probably done on purpose.
It seems obvious to me too, but unfortunately people who have "faith" don't seem to be able to also use logic.
"Supposedly benevolent"? Dude, have you ever read the Old Testament? God is malevolent, vain, vindictive, sadistic, narcissistic, and a megalomaniac. OK, he seems nice enough in the New Testament (if you discount the fact he still plans on sending billions of people to eternal suffering in the fires of hell), but you know what they say, a leopard never changes its spots. A god as described in the Bible would be exactly the god you'd expect to send someone to hell over something so trivial.
Are you saying the Christian faith is based on unfair judgments and false pretenses !?

How DARE you speak the truth ?
Are you saying the Christian faith is based on unfair judgments and false pretenses !?

How DARE you speak the truth ?