How do atheists explain how the Qur'an speaks of the same prophets that Judaism...


New member
May 2, 2011
...and Christain claim? What I mean is, that the Koran speaks about the same prophets, mostly, that the Christians and Jews speak about, also the stories are similar make unique in that they each say something different that the other book doesn't have. Which I would say proves that the Qur'an is the completer of them all.

So how do atheists explain all the similarities if not for it being from Allah?
as is now well known, the Qur'an was dictated by the Angel Gabriel to Muhammed(PBUH), so no copying was possible. He couldn't even read remember?
as I have said, it was not possible for him to copy these things.
Let me put it this way: if you did it at university you might be expelled for it *coughplagiarismcough*.