Christians: how do you get around the thousands of contradictions you have


New member
Jan 16, 2009
within your New Testament? Jesus in some Gospels asks God to stop him from dying on the cross.. God does not answer (more proof Jesus is not God). And when he is hanging on the cross Jesus yells out 'God why have you forsaken me?' which means that Jesus thought that God was going to save him because according to the Old testament AND Qur'an - God never allows any righteous person of his to suffer and die and even a verse in Hebrews agrees with this.

By the way the Egyptian God Osiris (not Horus) was crucified on a tree with his hands outstretched and a giant sun behind him as represented in an Egyptian picture.
You are misrepresenting what Jesus actually said.He asked God to spare Him from the cross only if was His will.He then later thought God had forsaken Him because He did not die for three hours.The normal time to die on a cross can take from 18 to 24 hours.Jesus' death and resurrection was necessary to prove that He died to save believers in His teachings.
there are no contradictions in the new testament

no horus was not

its your misinterpretations that are the problem
By seeing the agreement in the broad strokes and fitting everything else in as may be.
Its very simple, if a new rule contradicts an old rule, you go with the new rule.

the exception to this is if you want the old one to be used. Say you want to persecute a woman for witch craft, you ignore the fact that Jesus said 'don't kill anyone' and go back to the old testament about not suffering a witch to live!
Then you're quite legally allowed to get as much kindling, fuel and rope as you want.
Jesus was not a robot. He wasn't into S & M. You and I have never taken
a single sin upon ourselves. Jesus went into the deepest hell, and
preached to the souls in hell. He TASTED the second death, not just
the physical one.

That's just not what is called a CONTRA diction, something against.
Jesus in no writing asks God any such thing anywhere to stop His death.

Satan wanted to stop it,...why do you think he wanted to stop that?

Only God can forgive sins, and Jesus did that. Only God could take
any sins, let alone those of all the original foundation that He called
back to Himself.
Jesus said 'I am the ONLY way to the Father'...not Islam, not Hindu,
not Sikh...just through Christ.

Comparing extreme mythical gods of Egypt to the heavy historical
account of Jesus Christ is like comparing arithmetic to calculus...
it is ...literally insane.

You just don't like the idea, and I suggest you then leave this alone.

Don't quote the koran in this because it wasn't even written for
hundreds of years. There is where you will find your contradictions,
loads of them. I have this information ready to go if it's needed.

Compared to other writings written hundreds of years ago, THOUSANDS
of years ago, the bible is extremely verified, and completely holding
together, amazingly so considering that people generally didn't want
to hear it. Proof of God existing in Christ.
1) There isn't a thousand contradictions.
2) There are only small constradictions and that is because the Bible was written by various people who saw the things happening, so they all wrote down what they saw in their own point of view. They all didn't have the same point of view (not everyone is the same). Atheist seem to forget that the Bible is a collection of books.
3) Jesus and osiris have nothing in common.