
  1. S

    Girl is spreading rumors about me?

    So I was at a friends party and I set my phone down. Someone steals my phone, texts a girl I was having a fight with, and says the f word to her. Now she told her friend about it, and her friend blabbed to everyone about it in school. WHAT DO I DI
  2. A

    What do I do if I'm in seventh grade and a kid is spreading rumors about me.?

    Everyone in my grade knows I like this girl in my grade named Sami. Well one day my friend was joking around and our friendship was thin. Then he just took it too far. He started to tell everyone I got her pregnant. I got mad at him and me & him are no longer friends. The reason I was so mad is...
  3. M

    Rumors at work that I am gay, how do I address this?

    I am NOT someone who's uneducated about my sexuality. I am gay, and I've learned so much about who I am and I accept that. not only am I just that though I am an artist I am someone who is smart I'm someone who has a lot to give to the world, but when people figure that out about me they get...
  4. V

    These girls are spreading rumors about me that aren't true?

    These girls have been talking crap on me for weeks now and it's really bothering me. They always talk about me when they see me, and I try to ignore them but its hard. I wanna do something back to show them what they're doing bothers me but that wouldn't be the right thing to do. Help!!!:O
  5. B

    How to kep rumors around school out of a relationship?

    Recently I have dated a guy who broke up with his girlfriend to be with. He told her friends to do it for him but they never did so there r rumors floating around school about all this and only us three really know what is going on. So what I need to know is how can me and this boy still have a...
  6. H

    Old friend is spreading rumors that I'm autistic?

    We were once really good friends. There was this girl in my class who I called an "attention whore", because she is. He went and told her what I said. Now she constantly harasses me about it, all thanks to him. Then he stops talking to me and started telling people that he hates me when I did...
  7. J

    What to do if my bestfriend was told that i was spreading rumors about her...

    ...when i didnt.? I havent lied to her once and have never in spread rumors about anything. Any advice?
  8. B

    in vampire diaries in ep 4x16 i keep hearing rumors that Damon going to die in

    that ep but? But my question is where is people hearing these rumors at and where the source they got it from? cause all I'm finding is forums where people talk about it? I keep hearing hes die in that episode or 4x14 and come back in 4x16 and be human form and something about he will see Alaric...
  9. R

    I look twofaced and rumors?

    Okay so I moved to a new school it's much smaller than my older one so rumors obviously spread around faster! Pretty much I got in the group of popular girls and their really nice and funny and there are 8 of us and pretty much 3 I'm really close with than the other 4 and they got in a huge...
  10. R

    I look twofaced and rumors?

    Okay so I moved to a new school it's much smaller than my older one so rumors obviously spread around faster! Pretty much I got in the group of popular girls and their really nice and funny and there are 8 of us and pretty much 3 I'm really close with than the other 4 and they got in a huge...
  11. L

    Rumors going around that I like someone?

    Okay, so some girl started this rumor that I liked this guy that's totally out of my league, so it's emabarrassing. It really makes me mad to because I have to sit by him in 2nd hour the whole trimester... I don't know what to do, it will be so awkward. I don't even talk to him or anything, I...
  12. V

    Rumors: Model News—The 2014 Mercedes-Benz E63 AMG Cometh

    The Detroit Motor Show is right around the corner (it runs from January 14 through 27) and it promises to be one heck of a show. One of its likely stars will be the 2014 Mercedes-Benz E63 AMG, a photo of which was revealed by MB this morning on its Facebook page.
  13. G

    Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr Kiss in Public, Keep Crushing Split Rumors

    We told you Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr were just fine! Amid another round of the split rumors that always seem to be plaguing those*Hollywood types, Bloom was spotted leaning in...
  14. C

    Theres this girl i like and rumors say that she likes me back and is happy

    when shes with me? I went to mexico because my uncle was sick and I told my crush I'm not going back until Sunday and she says ima miss you and my mom got sick and we stay for 4 weeks and I texted my friends and they say she was sad until I got back when I came back she was happy I gave her a...
  15. E

    How do I start over with a life full of rumors and gossip?

    I am a single mom who has made many mistakes and trusted many wrong people, I feel and know I am a good person. I have always been a solitary person, I love the company of others but have little desire to really be the hipster all the same type person.I date the wrong men and when i find the...
  16. I

    Is he disinterested if he hasnt done anything after hearing sexual rumors?

    Hi, thanks for clicking on my question! So there's a guy in my AP bio class. He's a senior and I'm a a senior girl too but I'm 17 and he's 18. Anyways, I think he's insanely attractive. So around a month ago, this guy heard it and then he told the boy im talking about that I said he was hot and...
  17. A

    Why is people always making rumors about other people?

    They have nothing better to talk about
  18. D

    What are some of the rumors for the Galaxy S4?

    When do you think it will come out and any notable new features,
  19. V

    Rumors: Model News — Lincoln To Debut Escape-Based Crossover?

    If a report from The Detroit Bureau is to be believed, we’ll be seeing yet another Ford masquerading as a Lincoln. This time, Ford’s Escape will be getting the Lincoln treatment, and will be renamed MKC.
  20. V

    Rumors: Model News — Did Infiniti’s President Just Confirm A 550-Horsepower Flagship?

    It certainly sounds like we’ll be seeing a high-powered Infiniti sedan that will do battle with the BMW M5, Mercedes-Benz E63 AMG, and Cadillac CTS-V, if a message from Infiniti’s president, Johan de Nysschen is to be believed.