Rumors at work that I am gay, how do I address this?


May 2, 2008
I am NOT someone who's uneducated about my sexuality. I am gay, and I've learned so much about who I am and I accept that. not only am I just that though I am an artist I am someone who is smart I'm someone who has a lot to give to the world, but when people figure that out about me they get blinded by that.
I'm only 19, and for the first time in my life with 1 of my coworkers I opened up about myself. I trusted her so much. and let her know not to tell anyone else. But now I've got word from other coworkers that she has been gossiping behind my back.
I have to go to work tomorrow and work side by side with these people. Several thoughts are going through my head should I call her out. Speak with those that I know she's talked to. Should I be aggressive. Or Should I just do nothing at all.
I don't know! please give me some good advice I don't wanna react irrational.
Keep a dated journal of everything that you consider harassment. When you have enough material, compose a well thought email and send it to Human Resources.

I had the exact opposite problem. Harassment is never cool.
Calmly talk to her saying you heard she told people about it. Other than that, leave it and don't trust her!

If people want to judge you for being gay, who cares? If you're happy with yourself, screw the rest right?