Is he disinterested if he hasnt done anything after hearing sexual rumors?


New member
Dec 29, 2012
Hi, thanks for clicking on my question! So there's a guy in my AP bio class. He's a senior and I'm a a senior girl too but I'm 17 and he's 18. Anyways, I think he's insanely attractive. So around a month ago, this guy heard it and then he told the boy im talking about that I said he was hot and that I wanted his "D". Apparently the boy was just like "oh, okay" or "really?", something like that. Keep in mind he never talked to me before he was told that. So after that he started making small talk with me. When he started, I treated him no differently, I was nice, but not flirtatious at all, in fact I probably flirted with guys around us more than with him. But on the other hand he keeps hearing from all these guys that I think he's hot and I like him and stuff like that. Whenever he is told that, he just smile. BUT,,,,he hasn't made a move on me at all. Like the only thing that changed is that he talks to me now. So does this mean he's not into me? I mean there are a few problems like we dont know eachother too well, he's an adult and I'm a minor, aaaaand he's white and I'm middle eastern. Or is he just trying to gage me before doing anything? He is single i think because no one has mentioned that he has a gf and i've been told he doesn't date much. Maybe he doesnt believe the stories since i dont treat him special? He talks to me so he's not creeped out. BTW, I am told that I am pretty a lot by guys so I know he's not blowing me off cause I'm unattractive. Maybe he's friendzoing me? He hasn't asked for my nbr or anything but keep in mind he's quite shy. Thanks!