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    LSD and other psychedelics not linked with mental health problems

    The use of LSD, magic mushrooms, or peyote does not increase a person’s risk of developing mental health problems, according to an analysis of information from more than 130,000 randomly chosen people, including 22,000 people who had used psychedelics at least once. Researcher Teri Krebs and...
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    Breast reduction surgery found to improve physical, mental well-being

    Breast reduction surgery produces measurable improvements in several important areas of health and quality of life, reports a study in the August issue of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery®, the official medical journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). The study used the...
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    Discovery Of Protein Essential For Cognition And Mental Health

    The ability to maintain mental representations of ourselves and the world - the fundamental building block of human cognition - arises from the firing of highly evolved neuronal circuits, a process that is weakened in schizophrenia. In a new study, researchers at Yale University School of...
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    Migraines Do Not Exacerbate Mental Deterioration

    Migraines are more than just painful. Prof Franz Fazekas (University Hospital Graz, Austria), explained why at the 23rd Meeting of the European Neurological Society (ENS) in Barcelona: "Recent studies indicate that these pain attacks also pose an increased risk of vascular lesions in the brain...
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    Fish Oil May Help The Heart Beat Mental Stress

    The omega 3 fatty acids in fish oil have long been thought to protect against cardiovascular disease - so much so that the American Heart Association currently recommends eating at least two servings of fish a week, particularly fatty varieties rich in omega 3s. However, the mechanism behind...
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    10 New Mental Disorders In The DSM-V

    The DSM-V includes ample new psychiatric diagnoses, including binge eating disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, female sexual arousal disorder, breathing-related sleep disorders (such as sleep apnea), rapid eye movement disorder and restless leg syndrome. More » 10 New Mental Disorders In...
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    Life Expectancy Gap Widens Between Those With Mental Illness And General Population

    But majority of deaths are due to physical conditions, not suicide The gap between life expectancy in patients with a mental illness and the general population has widened since 1985 and efforts to reduce this gap should focus on improving physical health, suggest researchers in a paper...
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    Christians, has Jesus Christ helped you in the areas of emotional or mental health?

    Hi Christians, I ask this because of this news article today on Yahoo...
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    Working in the mental health field, I've noticed a disturbing trend. More and...

    ...more people are coming to me? to express their trauma related to sitting on Matt's couch with Jeff then walking by and staring. This is not an urban legend, my friend. No indeed. This happens more often than you could possibly imagine. No one is immune. YOU could be next!
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    Cultivating Mindfulness Has “Wide-Reaching” Affect On Focus, Memory & Mental Power

    Cultivating Mindfulness Has “Wide-Reaching” Affect On Focus, Memory & Mental Power If you want to enhance your ability to focus and stay on task, mindfulness training may be the best short-tem tool—even better than healthy eating, according to new research from the University of California at...
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    Are Mental Health Professionals Finally Kicking The DSM To The Curb?

    The National Institute of Mental Health is re-orienting its research away from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Is this good news or bad news for the field in general? More » Are Mental Health Professionals Finally Kicking The DSM To The Curb? is a post from Blisstree...
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    Mental Agility Game Slows Cognitive Decline In Older People

    There may be a way for older people to prevent natural aging of their minds, and it could be as simple as playing a video game. That's according to a study from the University of Iowa, which found that elderly people who played just ten hours of a game priming their mental processing speed and...
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    People With Mental Health Problems Say Partners 'Not Fazed' When Told About Their Con

    Two in three (63%) people with mental health problems who tell their partners about their condition have said that partners 'weren't fazed' and were 'really understanding' when they first heard the news. The UK's leading mental health charity Mind and the largest provider of relationship...
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    Proper Eating Improves Dementia Patients' Physical And Mental Health

    Dementia patients who are given an educational program to help them remember proper eating habits not only improve their physical health, but their mental health as well. The patients who receive this intervention are less likely to show depressive symptoms half-a-year later. The finding came...
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    Can someone give me some advice dealing with mental illness?

    6 years ago I had a heat stroke while practicing football and it messed my head up pretty bad. As a result I contracted severe depression. It's a very physical form of depression; it hurts my body and holds me back from doing most things that aren't staying inside and watching tv. Exercise is...
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    Can someone tell me what mental illness my mother has?

    She's been like this for the past 5 years, and every convo we have now is cut short because of this problem. She is very show offy and tries to make a show and put on an act when any company or others are around. Once she finds out someone's personal info she's bound to go and talk about them...
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    my dad calls me names and gossips i have a mental illness he says im a...

    ...lazy bum and he is gonna report me? i have medical proof etc what should i do or what will happen if he tries to report me
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    my wife left me think she may have mental problem?

    i don't mean it in a bad way i love her and want to help we been together 3 years just got married just before the end of last year 2 day before our 1 month anniversary she walked out and said she was not in love with me but yet she was with me for 3 years so i know that is not it and she seems...
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    Bradley Cooper Talks Mental Illness, Visiting Troops in Washington, D.C.

    Bradley Cooper is proud of the work he did in Silver Linings Playbook—and not just because it scored him his first Academy Award nomination. "I've gone around to many...
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    Mental Illness Clues Revealed Via Facebook Activity

    Facebook activity could be an indicator for psychological health, and be used as tools by therapists and psychologists A new study conducted by researchers at the University of Missouri and published in the journal Psychiatry Research, has revealed that social media profiles can provide insight...