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    Bisexual Men On The 'Down Low' Run Risk For Poor Mental Health

    Bisexual men are less likely to disclose and more likely to conceal their sexual orientation than gay men. In the first study to look at the mental health of this population, researchers at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health found that greater concealment of homosexual...
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    POLL: Is swimming good for your mental health?

    I have psychosis will it help this?
  3. A

    #nothelping: NRA Calls For ‘Active Mental Illness Database’ & Armed School Guards Ins

    #nothelping: NRA Calls For ‘Active Mental Illness Database’ & Armed School Guards Ins The National Rifle Association head Wayne LaPierre*called for armed guards at every school, and an "active mental illness database" to prevent shootings in today's NRA Sandy Hook press conference. His...
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    Food Insecurity Predicts Mental Health Problems In Adolescents

    A study published in the December 2012 issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry found that adolescents who experienced food insecurity in the past year have a higher prevalence of mental disorders than adolescents whose families have reliable access to...
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    I Thought A Mental Disorder Diagnosis For PMS Was Bad. Now There’s One For Tantrums

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    Child Mental Health Affected By Collective Violence And Poverty On The Mexican-US Bor

    Collective violence attributed to organized crime and poverty are adversely affecting the mental health of children living near the Texas-Mexico border, according to a poster presented at the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) National Conference and Exhibition in New Orleans. In the study...
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    For Happiness And Mental Health 7-A-day Recommended

    Happiness and mental health are highest among people who eat seven portions of fruit and vegetables a day, according to a new report. Economists and public health researchers from the University of Warwick studied the eating habits of 80,000 people in Britain. They found mental wellbeing...
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    Proposed Mental Disorder Diagnosis May Have Faults

    A much anticipated addition to the revised Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders fifth edition (DSM-5) is questionable according to research findings. The newly revised DSM-5, the first alterations since it was last revised in 1994, includes attenuated psychosis syndrome (APS), a...
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    Maternal Mental Health, Parenting Affected By Economic Abuse

    Mothers who experience economic and psychological abuse during the first year of a relationship with their child's father are more likely to become depressed and spank the child in year five, researchers from the Rutgers School of Social Work have found. The Rutgers team, which studied the...
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    So This Is What Happened To Kony 2012?s Jason Russell After His Mental Breakdown

    Remember Jason Russell? The creator of the viral video campaign KONY 2012? And remember his very public mental meltdown that seemed to halt all of that hype as quickly as it started? Well now, for the first time since his bizarre naked ranting incident, Russell is explaining what really...
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    Association Between Infants' Regulatory Behaviors And Maternal Mental Health May Pred

    Functional somatic symptoms (FSS) are physical complaints, such as headaches, pain, fatigue, and dizziness, that cannot be explained medically. These symptoms affect 10-30% of children and adolescents and account for 2-4% of all pediatric doctor visits. A new study scheduled for publication in...
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    Physical And Mental Health Boosted By Move To Less Impoverished Neighborhoods

    Moving from a high-poverty to lower-poverty neighborhood spurs long-term gains in the physical and mental health of low-income adults, as well as a substantial increase in their happiness, despite not improving economic self-sufficiency, according to a new study published in Science by...
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    Spirituality Is Linked To Better Mental Health

    According to a study conducted by researchers at the University of Missouri, spirituality often improves health regardless of a person's health. The study is published in the Journal of Religion and Health. The team highlight that healthcare providers could tailor treatments and rehabilitation...
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    Poor Mental Health Linked To Premature Death

    A large study of English households finds that people who experience symptoms of psychological distress like anxiety, depression, or even minor mental health problems, have a lower life expectancy than people who do not. Since the link remained when they adjusted for lifestyle factors, the...
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    Mental Poll: What are you thinking about right now?

    I'm listening...
  16. F

    Discuss the physical and mental impact large-scale compositions had on their

    respective composers? For instance Julius Reubke died only a few years after composing his masterpiece of a piano sonata. Many people who knew him attributed his early death and quick atrophy to the work he spent on that single piano sonata. I argue that if Chopin attempted to orchestrate a...
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    Females On Parole And Mental Illness Risk

    The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Advisory Committee for Women's Services released a new report, which demonstrates that 18 to 49 year old women on probation or parole have an almost two-fold higher risk of experiencing mental illness compared with other...
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    Mental issue people that can't stand pda have..?

    A long time ago I heard that there is a specific psychologic explanation to people who cannot stand people being close; holding hands or kissing. What is it? D: I'm doing a school research but I can't find the exact term.. Is it a phobia? It had something to do with thos people coming from a...
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    Angry Moms Who Want Ellen DeGeneres Fired Are Bad For Our Mental Health

    Remember the angry moms who demanded that Ben & Jerry's pull their "Schweddy Balls" ice cream from store shelves because it was considered sooo offensive to their little darlings? Well, they're at it again. This time though, they want our beloved Ellen DeGeneres fired from being the spokesperson...
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    Should i use mental or gadgets in DC universe?

    idk which one is good so im asking u people