Can someone give me some advice dealing with mental illness?


May 11, 2008
6 years ago I had a heat stroke while practicing football and it messed my head up pretty bad. As a result I contracted severe depression. It's a very physical form of depression; it hurts my body and holds me back from doing most things that aren't staying inside and watching tv. Exercise is supposed to be a good treatment for depression, but I can't exert energy without nearly losing consciousness. I haven't exercised in any form for at least three years. I'm getting fat and my body's getting more and more tired, which was very uncharacteristic for me before this happened. I've been on medicine after medicine and we finally found one that is the best out of all that I've tried, but it's not really good at all. I sleep 12-14 hours a day, have migraine headaches (although admittedly less than it was), and I can't do anything other than lay around the house. And all the while a plethora of other mental illnesses are making their way into my life as well as the depression. I have little to no depression because of the medicine I'm taking, but it comes at a very high price. Whatever is going on in my head has taken my life away from me. A few years ago I was a regular shy, awkward teenager with friends, a promising social life, and soon to be relationships. I have nothing now. I'm a lonely 21 year old guy with nothing but dreams and nothing to build them on. My younger siblings are passing me and succeeding in every way that I can't. It's very depressing to watch them do this while I lay on the couch with nothing to do. My psychiatrist said that this is just a case of hard to treat depression. I assume that's a euphemism for untreatable depression. I have no idea what to do now. Is there anything I can do?