
  1. E

    Why is Taco Bell holding back their freeze drinks?

    My daughter likes the freeze drinks and almost every time we have been there, they ask what size then say it is not available. I have seen them say no then hand someone else a freeze (large). Interesting and strange. Maybe someone knows why they are regulating who gets them and when?
  2. A

    The Best (And Worst) Drinks For Avoiding Kidney Stones

    Good news, ladies: Your vices are helping you keep kidney stones away! Well, unless one of your vices is soda—in which case, stop it! You're going to get kidney stones! Drink more of these other beverages instead ... More » The Best (And Worst) Drinks For Avoiding Kidney Stones is a post from...
  3. D

    What are the ingredients/nutrition information for these Chinese drinks?

    I'm currently living in China and I've had a hard time finding the ingredients in different foods and drinks (obviously difficult since they're written in Chinese and I don't speak Chinese). I've tried searching online for a few of these items to see if I can find the full listed ingredients and...
  4. M

    Kids and energy drinks: a potentially deadly mix

    [No message]
  5. A

    Health Hack: 7 Immune-Boosting Foods & Drinks (That Don’t Require Prep Time)

    If you're worried about catching the flu -- and who isn't right now? -- your simplest defense is a diet rich in antioxidants and whole, healthy foods. Of course, that's easier said than done when you're traveling or logging long hours at the office. For this week's #HealthHack, we've rounded up...
  6. A

    Wired Wyatt’s Caffeinated Maple Syrup: Like Energy Drinks For Hip Foodies (But Just A

    The scandals surrounding Monster energy drinks*and Four Loko's alcoholic energy drink, and increasing research proving that caffeine-sugar bombs like Rockstar and 5 Hour Energy are bad for you*had us hoping that the trend towards caffeinated-everything might fizzle out, but we might have been...
  7. T

    Sugar And Calories Cut In Soft Drinks, UK

    Leading soft drinks brands Lucozade and Ribena will reduce the amount of sugar and calories in their products by up to 10 per cent as part of the Government's drive to curb obesity levels, Public Health Minister Anna Soubry announced this week. Speaking at the Food and Drink Federation's...
  8. A

    Merry Berry Drinks: 11 Antioxidant-Rich Christmas Cocktails

    Replenish while you imbibe with these antioxidant-rich pomegranate and cranberry cocktails, perfect for pre-holiday parties or Christmas day. Maybe even New Year's Eve -- there's also a healthy dose of champagne in a few of these drinks. To less added sugars and more polyphenols in your 2013...
  9. A

    Afternoon Links: Class Up Winter Drinks With Apple Brandy

    • Impress your friends with*apple brandy*apertifs*at your next party (Organic Authority) • DIY beauty gifts, from peppermint food scrub to rose bath oil (YouBeauty) • See here if green beauty gifts you don’t have to DIY are more your style … More » Afternoon Links: Class Up Winter Drinks With...
  10. A

    Monster Energy Drinks Under Fire For Caffeine Content … Which Is Less Than In A Starb

    You may have heard that Monster energy drinks are under FDA investigation after being cited in five deaths and one heart attack. There's also a wrongful death lawsuit against Monster, filed by the parents of 14-year-old Anais Fournier,*who died due to caffeine toxicity. Yet as more details about...
  11. A

    Energy Drinks Are Under Fire In New York Because, Surprise, They’re Bad For You

    New York's attorney general Eric T. Schneiderman thinks there's something funny about*energy drinks. No, it's not that they rot your teeth, or that they can cause depression and anxiety. He's issued*subpoenas*the makers ofMonster, 5-Hour Energy, and AMP (which is PepsiCo),*because, according to...
  12. A

    Florida County Boldly Bans All Energy Drinks In Schools

    The school board in Manatee County, Florida has boldly banned energy drinks from all schools in the county. The vote to ban drinks like Red Bull, Rockstar and Full Throttle was 4-0, effectively placing the drinks on the same level as alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs. Considering that energy drinks...
  13. A

    Study Proves What You Already Knew: Sports Drinks Are Bad For You

    The body of evidence surrounding sports drinks like Gatorade and Powerade isn't small; for as long as these sugary, electrolyte-loaded beverages have been around, scientists have been trying to decide if they're better or worse than water. And pretty much across the board, the consensus has been...
  14. T

    Milk Consumption By Children Declining But Sugar-Sweetened Drinks Not The Cause

    National data indicate that milk consumption has declined among children while consumption of sweetened beverages of low nutritional quality has more than doubled. Although this suggests that sugar-sweetened beverages may have replaced more nutritious drinks in children's diets, a new study...
  15. A

    Here’s What 100 Calories Of Summer Drinks Looks Like

    It's that time of year, again. That time when, on the weekends and in the afternoons, folks beat the heat by sitting in the shade and sipping on refreshing summertime beverages.** But summer drinks, just like most liquids, can be a dietary pitfall if you're not aware what's in them, and how much...
  16. S

    What's wrong wigets having men to buy women drinks at bars?

    I don't do it anymore cuz I'm getting married but 5 yrs ago when I was still a single woman, my girl friends and I would go to a bar and we never had to pay for any drinks because men would offer and we'd accept (if we know they're safe of course). We'd say thanks, chit chat for a few minutes...
  17. T

    Sports & Energy Drinks Damage Teeth

    Sports drinks hit the wire today with a red light that their level of acidity is increasingly responsible for irreversible damage to teeth, especially amongst adolescents and younger adults, their predominant target market. The report is published in the May/June 2012 issue of General Dentistry...
  18. T

    Irreversible Damage To Teeth Caused By Sports And Energy Drinks

    A recent study published in the May/June 2012 issue of General Dentistry, the peer-reviewed clinical journal of the Academy of General Dentistry, found that an alarming increase in the consumption of sports and energy drinks, especially among adolescents, is causing irreversible damage to teeth...
  19. A

    Classic Cocktail Guide: ‘Mad Men’ Era Drinks That Aren’t Terrible For You

    Some of you might argue that an alcoholic drink can't be "healthy," but we like to take a more realistic approach: We're going to drink anyway, so how can we get as many vitamins and nutrients as possible—with as few calories, chemicals or sugars—with our alcohol? Everything in moderation. Which...
  20. A

    Energy drinks

    I like Xs energy drinks, They use be Vitamins as their major source of energy, They have zero sugar, zero carb, and caffeine levels of a cup of coffee...