
  1. M

    Keep a clear head on New Year's Eve with these booze-free drinks

    [No message]
  2. A

    Afternoon Links: Healthy Alternatives To Holiday Drinks

    • Remember this when you think he'll change. (HuffPost Women) • Healthy alternatives to fattening holiday cocktails. (fitsugar) • Feel good holiday movies. (Divine Caroline) • Playing games good for your relationship? (YourTango) • Delicious ways to cook the Christmas ham. (The Stir) •...
  3. B

    Will it kill my dog if she drinks proxcide ?

    My dog chewed open a bottle of proxcide don't really know how much she drank I was asleep. But there's yellow flem where she was laying. I don't know how long ago she ate it or not but I smelled the blanket and I didn't smell any on the blanket. Will it kill my dog
  4. C

    Do they sell nutrition drinks like Boost or Ensure in Europe?

    I was wondering what name these products might be sold under there. I am specifically looking for something sold in Kosovo. Thanks in advance for any help. I have a family member who could benefit from this.
  5. N

    what to wear to meet Eskimo Joe and PNAU its a meet and greet plus vip drinks after

    the show.? I won tickets to see them and meet the band but not sure what to wear i have a gorgeous dream catcher dress by Joveeba but it may be too summer like or do I wear a black dress, dont think jeans is a good idea as its summer here. thanks all
  6. P

    Does New Orleans have "yard long" Souvenir drinks like Vegas?

    I'm going to New Orleans (staying near Bourbon Street) in a couple of weeks and was wondering if Harrahs, or any other casino in New Orleans, sells those yard long souvenir drinks that you can easily get from Harrahs in Las Vegas?
  7. A

    Organic Energy Drinks: Are They More Healthy Than Rockstar?

    The refrigerated section at your corner bodega or local grocery store is growing. Coconut water, kombucha, more kinds of canned tea than you can shake a stick at...and energy drinks, as far as the eye can see. But it's not all Red Bull and Rockstar--there are some new...
  8. T

    What are the best virgin drinks to have out at dinner, or after at a lounge or

    something? I don't drink but we're going out and I can order anything I want, so what are your favorites?! :D
  9. T

    What are the best virgin drinks to have out at dinner, or after at a lounge or

    something? I don't drink but we're going out and I can order anything I want, so what are your favorites?! :D
  10. E

    Drinks for a fashion show?

    I was thinking of hosting a fashion show at the end of the year. This will be the first one, and I have no idea where to start, but what kind of drinks do you think would be apt? I'm working on a low low budget, so I was thinking just one drink placed on each seat at the beginning. And I'm...
  11. T

    New Research Backs AMA Push To Ban Energy Drinks, Australia

    New research that shows that young people are attracted to alcoholic energy drinks because they allow them to keep drinking for longer periods adds weight to the AMA's push for a ban on energy drinks, especially pre-mixed alcoholic energy drinks. AMA Vice President, Dr Steve Hambleton, said...
  12. C

    Is anyone interested in XS energy drinks?

    If you are interested or would like to purchase XS? here is a site which you can do so. amway.com/meister and go under Nutrition then energy drinks. If you have any questions about XS feel free to ask me
  13. C

    Is anyone interested in XS energy drinks?

    If you are interested or would like to purchase XS? here is a site which you can do so. amway.com/meister and go under Nutrition then energy drinks. If you have any questions about XS feel free to ask me
  14. E

    Nutrition info for Granini drinks?

    I've been drinking the Granini Banana (Banane) nectar after being told I have a potassium deficiency. But, there is no nutrition info anywhere on the bottle. I've searched the web and came up with info for every other flavor they have, except the banana. Its not even on their website that I...
  15. C

    How many nutrition drinks?

    Well I work out and I wanted to know if drinking. 2 drinks a day wich are nutriments would do anyharm since it has lots of vitamins.
  16. L

    Fitness waters and sports drinks contain the same types of nutrients?

    Title has he question.
  17. B

    an interesting opening and closing for presentation on energy drinks?

    I am doing a presentation on the affects of energy drinks for my communications class. My presentation is supposed to be five minutes long and my audience consists of students ages 18-22 and my professor. I want some ideas for interesting opening and closings to have a good impact on my audience...
  18. C

    What are some other fun drinks like a Shirley Temple or a Roy Rogers?

    Please give me some other non-alcoholic beverages that taste good with a cool name like Shirley Temple or Roy Rogers.
  19. C

    What do you call a guy who smokes cigarettes and drinks a lot of alcohol?

    An idiot who needs to straighten up his act :)
  20. J

    Any recipes for sweet tasting Canadian Club Whisky cocktails or drinks?

    Like sweet enough that girls will enjoy them and not cringe at the taste...Thanks