What's wrong wigets having men to buy women drinks at bars?


May 13, 2008
I don't do it anymore cuz I'm getting married
but 5 yrs ago when I was still a single woman, my girl friends and I would go to a bar and we never had to pay for any drinks because men would offer and we'd accept (if we know they're safe of course). We'd say thanks, chit chat for a few minutes with these men and move on our way. My fiancé hates it when girls do this and saud we were wrong. we had a debate about this. I don't think it's wrong, men offer and willingly buy women drinks, not like we ask for them. No one forced them to do anything. Men expect the women to hang out with them all night in return just bc they bought us drinks but I say that's just presumptuous of them. I told my fiancé that he's just mad because this rarely happens to men, if men were offered free drinks all the time at bars by women I'm sure they'd do the same and accept, regardless if the woman is attractive or not.

Do u agree with me or him?