
  1. J

    can I get mouth cancer from one time of doing chewing tobacco?

    My friend does it a lot and insisted for me to try one so I tried a Grizzly winter green pouch premium I kept it in for the normal time and felt the buzz and what not I'm not planning on continuing this because it's disgusting however can doing this one time cause me to have cancer or any other...
  2. T

    Chewing Tobacco Question!?

    Let me start off by saying, I just turned 19 & I know the risks of dipping and how bad it CAN be for you. I have dipped for 2 years now and i don't want to get my jaw removed or something. If you have "anti-dipping" comments, keep them to yourself and just go troll someone else. This leads me...
  3. G

    Tea chewing tobacco??????????

    How can I make chew from Lipton tea? Should I add tobacco? How do I add flavor? Grind with no grinder?
  4. B

    Raw lip after chewing tobacco?

    After I pack a lip of skoal I always have a sore lip. It feels cut up but when I look at it in the mirror it doesn't look like anything. Is that just the fiberglass cutting my lip? Will it soon go away and just keep healing itself?
  5. H

    Chewing tobacco, Help please?

    I chew sometimes, I'm 18, but I don't want to get addicted. How much do you have to do before you get addicted?
  6. A

    What's going to happen if I (a non-smoker) begin chewing nicotine gum?

    I just bought some nicotine gum for the purposes of enhancing cognition which it has been shown to do in various studies, but I just read on the box that you should not take it if you are a non-smoker. Is something bad going to happen if I begin chewing?
  7. E

    i am wearing three nicotine patches and chewing a piece of nicotine gum.... it safe to smoke a cigarette? am i gonna die? edit: well i'm not wearing them to quit smoking i just wanna get nicotine high jeez
  8. E

    i am wearing three nicotine patches and chewing a piece of nicotine gum.... it safe to smoke a cigarette? am i gonna die? edit: well i'm not wearing them to quit smoking i just wanna get nicotine high jeez
  9. D

    Question about chewing tobacco?

    I have dipped only once in my life it was a tiny pinch I have never done it again and before is there Any chance I can get cancer from this?
  10. C

    Most odorless dip (chewing tobacco)?

    What brand/flavor of chewing tobacco has the most unnoticeable smell? Or at least the quickest smell to go away? And yes, I know it causes cancer and is a money suck and its gross, don't need a lecture, just an answer.
  11. T

    Link Between Chewing Ability And Reduced Dementia Risk

    The population is ageing, and the older we become the more likely it is that we risk deterioration of our cognitive functions, such as memory, decision-making and problem solving. Research indicates several possible contributors to these changes, with several studies demonstrating an association...
  12. G

    Does Chewing Gum Make You Dumb? [Science]

    If you thought that chewing gum helped you concentrate, it might be time to reassess. While some old research has suggested that it can help you with abstract reasoning and logic puzzles, new research reveals that it can completely screw up your short-term memory. More »
  13. A

    Is it possible for chewing tobacco to stay in the stomach for long periods of time?

    I'm having a bit of a trust issue with my husband, he has chewed tobacco on and off for years, and many times I will smell it on his breath and see it in his teeth. He has continuously lied to me about if he's using, to the point where I will catch him with some and still tries to make up...
  14. G

    why is chewing tobacco so expensive in Canada and dirt cheap in the U.S?

    hey guys just wondering why a can of skoal in Canada is like 15 bucks, and in the U.S. its like 5?
  15. T

    what kind of chewing tabacco has the most nicotine in it?

    i just want to know what would be the best to chew
  16. B

    Is the nicotine chewing tobacco absorbed by the gums or the inner cheek?

    I went to the dentist today and even after chewing for years they said my teeth and gums were great :D but anyway i was wondering what absorbs the nicotine in chewing tobacco the gums or the inner cheek, both, or anything else that absorbs it?
  17. M

    I got my 5 year old cousin addicted to Chewing Tobacco?

    I'm 13 and well I have been chewing for 3 years and haven't been caught by my parents yet! I have always taking a tin out of my dads roll that he buys every week and he hasn't noticed yet. A few months ago My 5 year old cousin stole some from me and I have been giving him little dips since and...
  18. C

    what are the chances of getting cancer after 3 months of chewing tobacco?

    i have chewed like 6 tins and im 15 years old i have also smoked like a pack of cigs thats all thank you i did quit when i found some bumps on my tongue and decided no girls gonna get with a guy with out a face so i decided dipping wasnt worth the risk of cancer
  19. M

    Please help with Jack Russell Terrier chewing problem?

    Three months ago I went to the animal shelter looking for a dog for my Mom and elderly grandmother...they recommended a beautiful wire haired terrier. Well, turns out she is a Jack Russell/Parson Russell terrier and she is a major handful. She doesn't bark and she is not aggressive. She is...
  20. T

    Chewing tobacco, malboro snus?

    Ever heard of malboro snus? I dont chew tobacco or anything but someone i know has malboro snus. I was wondering if this is worse than regular chew. I kno that its spittles tho. I just want to know if it is worse than regular chew or smoking