
  1. M

    What is worse.. chewing tobacco or mini cigars?

    Between Skaol longcut chewing tobacco, and mini cigars like colts or capltain blacks, which is more harmful to my health?
  2. H

    What's a safe alternative to chewing tobacco?

    Ok, this is going to sound weird. I'm not looking for the nicotine fix. What I really miss is just having a dip in. I am quitting, but what would help is to just have something I could put in it's place. I've tried gum, but I was thinking of mixing black tea with a little water and trying that...
  3. L

    Could having chewing tobacco in my mouth one time give me cancer?

    I'm 19, and when i was 16, my best friend thought it would be funny to hold me down and shove a dip of her boyfriend's chew in my mouth, which i accidentally swallowed a little bit of and ended up puking for 2 hours. And a few days ago i found out my mom has cancer, and i've been reading alot...
  4. D

    Which chewing tobacco has the least nicotine and additives? ?

    I'm talking about american brands. Not anything flout have to order online. Please don't leave dumb answers either. I really want to know.
  5. A

    Can i bring chewing tobacco in my checked luggage?

    I am underage and going to california in a week, will i be okay if it is in my checked luggage
  6. L

    Quitting chewing tobacco?

    Im 16 live in a small wyoming town and have chewed since I was probably 11. I buy it from a convience store that doesn't ID. Ive been caught twice. Once my english teacher took my can and threw it away. Another time a police officer pulled me over, saw I had a dip in and asked for my can. When I...
  7. R

    whats some good chewing tobacco?

    I like dipping but it seems wintergreen dips get me dizzy real bad and dont know why. So that swhy i am posting this so i can see whta are some good dips that wont get me dizzy and have real good flavor to them, i also aitn to big of a fan of fruity dips but th eonly furity dips i like is skoal...
  8. A

    help quiting chewing tobacco?

    im 16 and ive chewed about 6 cans of tobacco....i wanna quit now so i dont get cancer and lose my life...its a nasty habit what are some tips and how long do you think till my gums are back to normal so my dentist doesnt know also do you think thats enough to become addicted....I know you think...
  9. J

    How old do you have to be to buy chewing tobacco?

    I'm 18 and I heard that you have to be 21 to buy it an I wanted to know before I walk in the store and look stupid but I already made of habit of it on the field and I use to steal it from my dad bit I want to know if I'm old enough to buy it, some please help!:)
  10. S

    Chewing tobacco , keeping it in your mouth(lips) causes pneumothorax ?

    I have this pneumothorax , n I used to smoke 2 cig a day before I got admited. I have a firm mind to quit smokin n drinking. But m getting helpless when it comes to chew tobaco or to keep beneath the lips. Is this a reason y I got this second time ? Does this harm my lungs ?
  11. W

    what is the least strongest dip?as in chewing tobacco?

    i tried grizzly wintergreen,but i threw up both times i tried it,what is the least strongest,please give me a answer,i know all about the health risks.i dont need a mom telling me about loosing my teeth or losing a bottom jaw,just tell me please. Definitely taste,a little buzz,but mostly taste.
  12. T

    I packed a couple lips of chewing tobacco...?

    This wasn't routine and while I did about seven lips over the course of about four months, I don't plan on ever doing it again. However, with this in mind, I wonder: has my health been severely affected by this many uses of the substance? Remember, I do regret doing it and don't plan on doing...
  13. A

    sweat with chewing tobacco when i take the lip out early i guess?

    hey guys iam a dipper and well i have a problem every time i take the lip out i guess early i tend to sweat like theres no tommarrow. but thing is i dont dip a lot so please anyone know please tell me
  14. J

    Chewing tobacco question?

    I put in a pinch of chew like once evey few days just for fun should I be fine doing that? I've done it like 15 times and feel no addiction. I don't wanna get addicted and I check for sores or cancer signs in my mouth all the time So that I catch it right away if I do get something. Bladder...
  15. N

    sore mouth from chewing tobacco?

    my bottom left gums have a sore from chewing tobacco i only did it 7 or 8 times and quit because of the sore, my problem is its been about a week and still hasn't healed, i would like to know how long it would take before it heals or if there is any way to speed up the healing process
  16. B

    copenhagen chewing tobacco?

    heya guys not to sound like a novice but hey. i have been using grizzly for the past 6 months and today there was a sale on copenhagen. so i bought a tin and it says long cut but when i opened it its like sand. never used anything but long cut grizzly and on the tin it says long cut but its...
  17. C

    can u do chewing tobacco the same day u got stuff done on ur teeth?

    can u do chewing tobacco the same day u got stuff done on ur teeth? or can it get infected? should i wait awhile?? stuff i got done on my tooth was a root ka-now
  18. C

    can u do chewing tobacco the same day u got stuff done on ur teeth?

    can u do chewing tobacco the same day u got stuff done on ur teeth? or can it get infected? should i wait awhile?? stuff i got done on my tooth was a root ka-now
  19. T

    Should I continue Chewing Tobacco?

    I just starting dipping like 1 week ago and I enjoy it. I don't put very much in at one time and usually take it out after 10 min. I only dip once a day. I really don't want to continue doing this but I really like me some Grizzley. Is it really that dangerous or should I dip like jaws are goin...
  20. T

    Should I continue Chewing Tobacco?

    I just starting dipping like 1 week ago and I enjoy it. I don't put very much in at one time and usually take it out after 10 min. I only dip once a day. I really don't want to continue doing this but I really like me some Grizzley. Is it really that dangerous or should I dip like jaws are goin...