
  1. R

    What are the odds of getting oral cancer from chewing tobacco?0?

    I know snuff is not good for you but It seems mouth cancer is still rare even when chewing. Ant thoughts on this?
  2. G

    Is chewing tobacco in MLB all about looking cool?

    Guys like George Brett chewed so Chipper Jones says he started as a teenager because his favorite player did it..bla bla bla..Is it all about ego, and thinking your cool?
  3. G

    Is chewing tobacco in MLB all about looking cool?

    Guys like George Brett chewed so Chipper Jones says he started as a teenager because his favorite player did it..bla bla bla..Is it all about ego, and thinking your cool?
  4. P


  5. B

    is there any stores in pennsylvania that sell revved up chewing tobacco...

    ...and or plug tobacco? ive checked most stores in the clearfield county area but i still cannot find any
  6. J

    what is the best wintergreen chewing tobacco i can buy in BC?

    what is the best? (whats it called) what type is the best (long cut regular cut pouches etc...) i want to try chewing tobacco and see if i like it i already smoke cigarettes (i know chewing tobacco is not a safe alternative for smoking i don't need and lectures on tobacco usage just looking for...
  7. Z

    Good chewing tobacco flavors?

    Does anybody know any great kinds of chewing tobacco? I've tried most of the skoal types and grizzly. All of friends that chew, chew grizz mint. Any good recommendations.
  8. J

    Husband lying about Chewing tobacco?

    I've been dealing with this for years. Certain points I think he really has quit but once again he has started. I've asked begged yelled given ideas ultimatums everything! I've explained I'm terrified of him dying and I don't want to be a widow and alone be causes he chooses to give himself...
  9. C

    Chewing Tobacco Question?

    Alright, i've been dippin for quite some time and i started to notice my bottom gum like maybe 4 teeth from the middle on each side is deteriorating and lowering to about the bottom of the tooth. And i just ignored it. And maybe a month ago i noticed some white sore in my cheek, it went away...
  10. J

    Chewing tobacco question.?

    I am 19 and have been chewing tobacco for about 6 months. I noticed today on the inner part of the left side of my lip that there is a little cancar soar type thing, but it doesnt hurt. Does anybody know what this is? I would appretiate a little bit of knowledge on this topic.
  11. J

    how do i quit chewing tobacco?

    i am 15 years old and i have been dipping for little over a year and i really want to quit i was dipping 2 cans a day of grizzly wintergreen for about 4 months im down to half a can every 4 days i tried quitting cold turkey and i went a day and a half without a dip then i found a full can of...
  12. P

    Is it harmful to use chewing tobacco as a lube? (read description)?

    Alright first off I do not chew tobacco so I don't need a oral health lecture. But when I masturbate I have been buying a can of chewing tobacco (snuff or dip or whatever its called, I usually just ask for a can of Skoal since that seems to be the main chew brand) and have been using it as a...
  13. D

    Question about Chewing Tobacco?

    I recently did Grizzly Snuff. I have a dentist appointment in about a week. I did the Grizzly once today and i don't plan to again. But made sure to brush my teeth as hard as possible, clean my mouth out, and use mouthwash, but is it possible that the dentist will be able to tell? It isn't a...
  14. M

    is there realy fiberglass in chewing tobacco/snuff?

    i was told chewing tabacco/ snuff like red seal, skoal, cope,etc. has fiberglass in it is this true or just a myth? please if you are just going to tell that chew/dip is bad and not to do it then i have heard it before. I am doing research and need accurate info.
  15. M

    Is there Chewing tobacco in Istanbul ?

    I am visiting Istanbul and I am wondering if they sell chewing tobacco and where I am staying on the European side close to LALELi camii (mosque)
  16. K

    Can you buy chewing tobacco in Beijing?

    Skoal, Kodiak.... anything
  17. J

    the best ways to quit chewing tobacco?

    i've been chewing for about 16 months and i need to quit . i have tried before but no luck just keep putting it on my plate. its not like i have to quit , i usually take good care of my teeth but when i'm around other people it kind of makes me feel guilty esp. around friends. even though i...
  18. B

    If I get caught chewing tobacco at school what should i do?

    My teacher warned us about use chewing tobacco in his class. If he catches me what should i do?
  19. S

    safe alternative to chewing tobacco?

    im looking for a somewhat safer alternative to chew. I know there companies that make natural chewing tobbacco without all the nasty chemicals that really can kill your body. Im looking for the stuf that is made without all the chemicals, and such. Can you please tell me the link to the website...
  20. A

    Could chewing nicotine gum make you lose weight?

    Ok, this is completley theortical, but could you chew it every time you got a craving? And how addictive would it be? What would be the bad side? Like if someone used it for a month or two to shrink their stomach, then stopped I'm not going to do this, I'm just curious.