
  1. D

    Bodybuilding diet on a budget?

    About me: I've been lifting for about 1.5-2 months now but I'm not exactly sure. I saved up for a gym pass a while ago. For the first month, I was making very slow gains in strength but then I went on a dirty bulk (all that I could afford) and gained some fat as well as some muscle. I don't...
  2. J

    Using insulin for bodybuilding?

    I have heard people using insulin for body building and got great results (need more info)
  3. F

    bodybuilding is risky for heigth growth ?

    i am 16 yr now , n my height is 5 foot and 10 inches .. my weight is 68 KG .. i started gym now but somewhere i heard that weightlifting is risky for height growth .., is it true ?? but i never lift more than 30 KG
  4. A

    Bodybuilding tips for bulking up?

    Bodybuilding diet tips for bulking up.? Im 16, 5'9, 135lb skinny(hard gainer). Im a student and can only eat 3 meals(breakfast,lunch, dinner). Im planning to workout 3times a week(MWF) using my home gym comprising of bench press, dip machine and lot of weight plates. Im planning to work only my...
  5. RedR

    Bodybuilding dot com shows how delusional body builders are.?

    I read this thread on there - And its basically dudes saying all women like guys with really big muscles. They are saying the equivalent to a girls boobs is a guy with really big muscles. They don't understand that equivalent to...
  6. L

    Bodybuilding, anatomy; Pectoral muscle?

    Hey, I've never mentioned this before but I've been body building for about 10 months I've noticed rapid newbie gains because I'm a newbie obviously, I'm around 5'8 and weigh 70kg an I've noticed that there's a slight "chip" if you whish, in my left pectoral, the other one is curved perfectly...
  7. A

    Is Anthony Colpo's bodybuilding picture obviously Photoshopped?

    Look at the bizarre tan lines, the long giraffe neck etc. Magnify it to 400 % Here it is:
  8. J

    How to start off bodybuilding? Need Advice. Thanks Guys . 5 stars!!!?

    Hello guys , My stats are 6'1 160 lbs 25 % bf. I just want to get started on bodybuilding. I have no prior experience at all. I am a couch potato. I Do know that bodybuilding is a very tough and long journet that most people put off . All advice will be appreciated Thank You
  9. J

    TEEN BODYBUILDING: Preworkout Supplements?? Yes or NO?? C4 and M5?

    Hi i'm 16 but a late bloomer , on the skinny side but trying to bulk up for the summer, I work out 2-3 times a week (usually 2 because of my laziness), and i run 2 times a week. I try to incorporate 2-3 monster sets in each workout but the rest of my workout would be just regular sets. I have...
  10. L

    bodybuilding and 6 pack question for serious?

    let me begin by telling you my story , when i was born i got a serious pain in may stomach and i did a surgery in it . It was from 19 years since i was born and now after long training in the gym and hard working i can begin to see results by loosing fat and my muscles begin to show but the...
  11. B

    Do i go to this dance with my bodybuilding contest the next day?

    My girlfriend is graduating from her undergraduate studies in a few short weeks, and I intend on graduating in December. This Friday night, there is a formal dance for seniors only that will be graduating in May or December, making us both eligible to participate. Here's the issue: The past...
  12. J

    Eating/Shredding Bodybuilding.. impossible question?

    I feel like if I don't get atleast 2 good meals before I workout during the day I wont have enough energy to lift big maybe just cardio.. I workout 6 times a week barely binge and eat all healthy.. I do see that I am getting bigger but Im trying to get abs too not just the stocky.. do I have to...
  13. U

    POLL: Is bodybuilding a sport?

    this is my goal in life
  14. D

    Are there options for bodybuilding rather then gym?

    Peple often say that after leaving gym they become fat m also a lazy lamb ! i want to build up my body in a good posture (body building) bt i dont want to opt for gyms are there anyother way to build sexxy muscles without a gym ? i kno i wont able 2 complete my gym regularly coz i like 2...
  15. W

    How do I start bodybuilding?

    I am 14 years old 5'8" and I really want to get into lifting weights. I have already started a little bit but I need to know more. What supplements are good ans bad? The dos and donts? A workout schedule? Best answer for most detail.
  16. T

    Is there an MLM company for bodybuilding supplements?

    I would like to sell bodybuilding supplement with an MLM that's not too scammy.
  17. M

    Bodybuilding post workout supplements?

    Okay so I started to lift again today after taking about 3 month off due to an injury. I have some supplements and I was wondering what am I suppose to drink after my work out. I have my hydro whey, hydro builder and a post recovery shake along with creatine. The thing is I cant take 2 of them...
  18. A

    Bodybuilding if i do daily 5 hours intead of 1 hour, will my body shape get

    rapid changes? Basically 1 hour is daily recommended. But i want to have my body shape quickly by increasing daily workout to 5 hours (repeating the same routine over and over having some breaks but doing full 5 hours per day). Will that make any differences for to have rapid/quick changes in...
  19. M

    Part-time job decent for a 20y/o boy that is gym, bodybuilding, or fitness

    related besides being a trainer? im searching for a good part time job for me that i know i will enjoy doing and i really want to have a job and work in a place surrounded by something i enjoy doing myself which is working out and exercising.. P.S. i put besides being a trainer because...
  20. C

    Looking for a good Nutrition book for bodybuilding? easy 10 if you know of one?

    I'm looking for a good nutrition book specifically to maximize muscles growth, i'm skinny so i don't need to lose calories so much, but need to learn how to properly consume carbs, protiens, sugars ,etc throughout the day