Bodybuilding diet on a budget?


May 13, 2008
About me: I've been lifting for about 1.5-2 months now but I'm not exactly sure. I saved up for a gym pass a while ago. For the first month, I was making very slow gains in strength but then I went on a dirty bulk (all that I could afford) and gained some fat as well as some muscle.

I don't want to be fat and muscular so is there any way to get lean protein if your poor
you eat enough so that you gain weight slowly.
I gained 15lbs of muscle in one year just eating regular food.
I just didn't pig out.
15lbs of muscle in a year is just a little over 1lb gained in a month which isn't even 200extra calories a day.
it had to be mostly muscle because my waist didn't get bigger.
Bodybuilding is generally very expensive - i feel your pain.

Tinned tuna was my lifeline when I was at university, and frozen chicken breast too - you can never be too sure what's in it but you can get a huge quantity for a low price.