
  1. G

    600cc super sports - newbie to sports bike but not biking in general?

    Hi all.. Have read a lot of forums suggesting newbies to start with small sports bike. I'm newbie to sports bike but not bikes, i'm riding for over 8 yrs now (started with 100cc, then moved to 150cc and last bike was 225cc). Do you still think i cant handle 600cc super sports? If yes then why...
  2. K

    Biking Advice: Will I have time?

    I'm not a beginner biker, I used to be good. However, now I gained pounds and its been a while.-_- Do you think someone who is fat can bike 5-5.5 miles in 30 minutes if a beginner? I want to loose weight and with my busy life its hard. But getting to school by biking, instead of driving, will...
  3. S

    Could I start dirt biking with a Suzuki RMZ 250?

    I have the opportunity to buy a 2006 RMZ 250. I am 6'1", 160-170lbs, and will mainly be practicing tricks. How hard will it be to learn on this bike
  4. H

    Biking and walking daily?

    I started biking last week. I've been biking outside in the hot weather. I always finish my 64 oz water pack by the time I get home. I bike 2 and a half hours a day. Some ppl said that that was easy and they bike longer. Is it really nothing? I'm now Walking 3 miles a day too. Trying to build up...
  5. B

    is dirt biking a sport?

    my friend says it is. and i don't get how riding a bike is a sport!
  6. T

    bmx biking question about rims?

    im looking at animal deviant rims would this rim be good for a back rim also
  7. Z

    I'm not sure what type to get *biking noob* help?

    Well, recently me and the guys have been using our bikes more and more. We ride places on the street, but also go to the forest, rocky, muddy trails as well. I need a new bike because my tires and bike in general are too small I think. Whether we're on the road or on the trail they always make...
  8. I

    Mobile phone for mountain biking?

    I'm looking for a mobile phone that is good for taking out mountain biking amongst other outdoor sports. It must be tough , have a good camera and have an mp3 player. Thanks for any help.
  9. G

    Does anyone know of a good spot to go dirt biking in sacramento california?

    Well i dont own a dirt bike so it would have to be a place were they rent you one. Thanks
  10. D

    Is going out and biking good excerise?

    Okay so I want to loose weight, and first thing thatt came to my mine is bike rideing because I enjoy it. If I went out biking how long would I have to do it for? Hour?
  11. N

    Biking from Palo Alto to Half Moon Bay?

    Does anyone know how doable this is and whether I can bike there and back in one day?
  12. U

    Is biking a "cardio" exercise?

    I need to do a cardio exercise for a log at school. Is biking considered cardio? Thanks.
  13. M

    Looking for a multi-sport helmet for biking, need opinons?

    I'm currently looking at purchasing a new helmet, and am going with a different style then I'm used to. Between the 3 options:
  14. G

    Running and biking= weight loss?

    Hey. So my goal is to lose 30-45 lbs by June( just in time for swimsuit season). So, I'm changing my eating habits. And I plan on running every other day for about 30 min. and on the days I don't run I'll ride my bike for about 20 min. Should I lose weight fast that way? p.s. some good tips...
  15. B

    Awesome biking quotes?

    What are some good biking/dirt jumping quotes/ sayings??
  16. A

    Biking long distances? About 80 miles?

    I'm 15 and I'm planning on biking to my beach house this summer. It is about an 80 miles according to Google maps when I clicked on both walking and biking. My parents said I can do it as long as I do it with some one. My dad might even go with me. I was wondering, how can I prepare? I'm going...
  17. P

    I cant ride a bike and im going on a biking trip soon?

    im 15 i cant ride a bike i think im pathetic for this and i took GCSE pe up and i learned that we will be going on a biking trip as part of it so i felt really embarrassed since i cant ride them but before this i was asked if i wanted to go on a biking trip and for some reason i said yes the...
  18. 1

    biking for 3 hours everyday, overtraining?

    Hi, I'm haven't exercised for almost a year now and wonder if 3 hours biking plus some squats everyday will be overtraining?, I'm 22 by the way
  19. A

    ! am a boy who s best friend s 15th birthday next week who likes quad biking

    what is the best quote for him? i didnt find an quot that includes best friend and also includes atving +15th birth day i want some help pls
  20. M

    help with biking to school?

    i'm going to start biking to school after winter is over with and i was just hoping for some advice for starters i want to know a really good way to secure my backpack, i really dont think having it on my back is going to cut it its a pretty heavy bag and i cant change that also near the very...