
  1. E

    Do you know of any good (free ) art apps on iPad?

    I have this app called paigeeworld. Its for anime based art, people post their art and everyone can comment and like it. Do you know of any apps similar to this but for not only anime drawings/paintings? Also what are some really good drawing apps? Or similar websites for sharing and comments...
  2. A

    if you have experience in one martial art , where would you start in another?

    For example if I had many years of experience in kick boxing and I was very good and I started doing TKD would I start at the beginer level? OR if I was a black belt in BJJ and I started judo would I start as a beginer or would they put me at a apropriate belt?
  3. S

    iPad art apps that have a transparent canvas/background option?

    Hi, I'm looking for an iPad art app perferably for doodling as well as coloring in, that supports and has transparent canvas' or backgrounds, I'm currently using artrage and absolutely love it, however it does support transparency......but in order to have it transparent you need to upload a ptg...
  4. Y

    Loss of interest in art?

    This past year has been quite hard. I have been very sad, self loathing, and insecure. I have taken the Goldberg's depression test and it told me that I may have severe depression. But the part that has bothered me the most is my loss of interest in art. Art used to be a huge part of my life...
  5. A

    Disgustingly Beautiful: Art Made From Cell Phone Bacteria

    Gross, but also gorgeous. That's how I describe the "bioart" above, made by British students out of the bacteria that exists on cell phones. More » Disgustingly Beautiful: Art Made From Cell Phone Bacteria is a post from Blisstree - Get tips on healthy living, work outs, wellness & health food...
  6. B

    What can be a good/catchy/short/available .com domain names for an art,..., photograph inspirational site? What could be some good/catchy/short/available .com domain names for an art, photography, ideas, inspirational website?
  7. I

    I really like the comic print/pop art trend, where can I find some nice pieces?

    ive only found topshop.
  8. E

    are their any good art apps on android?

    im looking for an app to maybe design out sculptures in ceramics. Before i make ceramic piece i like to draw out the design first but i think it would be easier to design it first on my phone since i always have my phone for when im inspired, but i dont always have paper and a pencil.
  9. X

    How would Jerrold Levinson argue against Clive Bell's position on art?

    Clive Bell claims that art is unrelated to significance in life. He believes that art transports us from everyday life and that art appreciation has nothing to do with life. How would Jerrold Levinson argue against Bell's position?
  10. T

    Why is Sword Art Online controversial?

    I just started watching this anime and I'm enjoying it. I keep reading that its one of the most controversial anime of 2012, but I can't figure out why. Why is it controversial?
  11. 1

    Which martial art blends or combines easily with Judo?

    Please give reasons on your answers. Thank you.:)
  12. D

    Is female public nudity, art, and fashion the next controversial public artistic

    trend? (caution 18+)? A person has made a PowerPoint presentation depicting a new trend in fashion and art. It is highly controversial because it is a female-only contribution and pushes for a new type of public nudity. It is also pushing to fight breast cancer and has some argumentative and...
  13. D

    Is female public nudity, art, and fashion the next controversial public

    artistic trend? (18+)? A person has made a PowerPoint presentation depicting a new trend in fashion and art. It is highly controversial because it is a female-only contribution and pushes for a new type of public nudity. It is also pushing to fight breast cancer and has some argumentative and...
  14. J

    What style of art did Jaques-Louis David paint?

    World history 2 Question
  15. T

    What is the name of this martial art uniform?

    the one in the animie picture bellow
  16. C

    Sword Art Online game

    Sword Art Online game will be released in Jane, 2013. Do you like Sword Art Online? I have got this sword, how do you feel? But it is made of wood, I want to get metal one, just like this size,Sword Art Online Sword how do you feel?
  17. T

    Age of Aquarius/The art of prediction - Jan 07,2013

    Age of Aquarius , what will the age of Aquarius be like? what will the year of the snake bring? The art of Prediction. Whatever that astrology is not soothsaying or magic. Astrologers do not predict. What they do is assess future trends and point out possible area of success or pitfalls. The...
  18. C

    Hold a Sword art online cosplay party

    We want to hold a Sword art online cosplay party in Valentine’s Day, invite you to come~ We have readied some actors and prop already. Character: Skrillz Background: a mad Devil with a flameimg hart Reason: Sounds fun Age: 27 GT: NeON x BliTZz Race: Salamander Character...
  19. C

    Is anybody like Sword Art Online? I’m collecting its sword.

    Is anybody like Sword Art Online? I’m collecting its sword. I have some pictures of the two swords, the black one is called "Elucidator" and the white/blue one is called "Dark Repulser", I just have "Elucidator", to find another one. Size must just like this one. sword art online sword Is...
  20. E

    What is an interesting art debate topic?

    is there anything you would like to ask about art?