
  1. J

    What are your favorite apps for doing art on the iPhone?

    And what do they do?
  2. K

    What Is the best Martial art to take?

    I am looking for something that will work on the streets, In a real fight, if the time comes. Not like Karate. I mean like BJJ, Jui-Jitsu, Judo etc. I would like to take Sambo classes but there are none in my area. BTW i have some mma training.
  3. L

    Humor in the Art of Courtly Love?

    My World Literature class is studying Andreas Capellanus's The Art of Courtly Love. My group is supposed to find certain humorous aspects of it. Any ideas?
  4. J

    MMA is the BeSStest Martal art Roy Gravy?

    Hello GuYZ? Ah ho ho ho ho HOYYYYY!! ^^ MMA is the best martial art evah let me tell you. Cause in the early UFCeees Roy Gravy beat all the Krotty guys and judo guys and all the Traditionals Martial artist. Roy Gravy showed that you can only win withs muyyy thai and jew hitsnu! Do you TMAs...
  5. T

    need help deciding which martial art to take?

    im a 19 year old guy soon to be 20 in june. i weigh about 120 and im deciding to take up either muay thai, jiu jitsu, or jeet kune do. i know jkd is more of a philosophy then a style. i am really interested in muay thai but id like some feedback from you guys on my decision and any recommendations.
  6. S

    which martial art do you recommend?

    i am deciding between judo and tae kwan do(sorry if i misspelled that). what do you recommend?
  7. M

    where can i learn a martial art that focuses on bone breaking techniques?

    ok im currently takeing tang soo do and a cage fighting class im wondering where can i learn koppojutsu or some martial art that primarly focuses on bone breaking im looking for a martial art that is in terms as destructive as humanly possible i know several breaking techniques but i want more...
  8. W

    Which martial art should I pickup?

    I've been thinking about sambo and leaning towards it the most but I am now also considering krav-maga and kajikembo(I think I spelt right). only have time for one as I like to completely focus on one style at a time. I'm looking mostly for general self-defense that could also be used in some...
  9. G

    no martial art is superior over another?

    lots of people say this but i think its false. That's like saying boxing is equal to kixkboxing when it is obvious that kickboxing has more tools in its arsenal. Also, when you see style vs style matches on the internet (like muay thai vs taekwondo) you see that the muay thai guy wins 99 percent...
  10. D

    what aspect of martial art training, reflexive, mental or physical, did you have...

    ...most trouble overcoming? be honest. how did you overcome this (if you did)
  11. J

    Is it too late for me to start a martial art?

    I'm 15 and I'm thinking about starting a martial art for my free time but I'm not sure if I'm too old or not. I'm 5'7 and I'm a bit fit (basket balling), what martial art would suit me and what style is effective, I'm looking for a martial art that I can learn while also training at home not...
  12. S

    im trying to think of an interesting topic for my art project - the overall...

    ...them is Exploration and Discovery? - the overall them is 'Exploration and Discovery', i want something original, so if any one has any ideas?
  13. H

    Lost my high in my martial art kicks.?

    I've been doing martial arts for about twenty years now. But not to long ago I lost the height of my kicks on my right side (use to be my good leg). My left leg I can kick way over my head and hold it there my right leg I can only kick about my belt level now. Someone I take class with said...
  14. T

    Art Of Eating - Jan 19,2011

    We are what we eat; on this show, we will show you how to use healthy, energizing and purifying foods to become a healthy, energetic and pre person. I want to teach people to take foods you typically love to eat and how to make them much healthier and how to take something they would never try...
  15. T

    Art Of Eating - Jan 26,2011

    We are what we eat; on this show, we will show you how to use healthy, energizing and purifying foods to become a healthy, energetic and pre person. I want to teach people to take foods you typically love to eat and how to make them much healthier and how to take something they would never try...
  16. 1

    what martial art is the best?

    im 13 and i want to learn some martial arts what should I do; karate, ju justu, muy thai kick boxing, or just normal boxing?
  17. 1

    what martial art is the best?

    im 13 and i want to learn some martial arts what should I do; karate, ju justu, muy thai kick boxing, or just normal boxing?
  18. F

    How come the martial art was called Jeet-COON-do despite Bruce Lee being Asian?

    I wonder why...
  19. R

    Is Judo a good martial art to add grappling skills to my Muay Thai and compete in...

    ...MMA? I like grappling and I do one lesson of Judo and one lesson of BJJ a week, I'm hardcore with my Muay Thai, I train mostly for my potential Muay Thai career, but I do the grappling for the fun of it and because it has a lot of health benefits and there are no other ways of training Muay...
  20. A

    Is wing chun a practical martial art?

    I've been training in Wing Chun for about 6 months now and am enjoying it very much. I know that in 6 months pretty much no one is going to be good at a martial art, so that has nothing to do with my current doubt in the style. My sifu has been doing it for 40+ years and was the closed door...