
  1. E

    what is an interesting art debate topic?

    is there anything you would like to ask about art?
  2. T

    Ask Andrew Anything, Where can we buy art Andrew? - Dec 03,2012

    Where can you find art to buy? Monica likes Miggie Wong handmade gift boxes. Find out where Andrew sends us to get some good ass art. PUNK ROCK PILLOW FIGHT is a pillow fighting tournament that truly decides the master and the mistress of the...
  3. T

    Lowering Anxiety Via Meditation With Art Therapy Improves Outcomes In Breast Cancer

    Cancer and stress go hand-in-hand, and high stress levels can lead to poorer health outcomes in cancer patients. The Jefferson-Myrna Brind Center of Integrative Medicine combined creative art therapy with a Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program for women with breast cancer and showed...
  4. C

    painting and art apps for iPads?

    Has any one got any info for art apps I can use on my iPad. Cheers. H
  5. J

    What martial art should I learn for going to war?

    I'm getting ready to head to Afghanistan in about 4 months, and I would like to learn a martial art to compliment my military training. What martial art would help me best prepare for war? Please, only real black belts who know the flaws and all of their arts answer. Whatever I learn I will...
  6. H

    Samsung Music Player Album Art Problem!!?

    I have galaxy note2.My song have album art but some doesnt have album.The problem is the one which doesnt have album take the one which had album picture!I am so tired changing it back.Example:Song A and B has album,the real is B doesnt have album.It takes song A's album.
  7. P

    What is a MP3 site that most songs come with album art?

    What is a good MP3 website that has the most album covers on the song or what is a website that can let you add a picture to a downloaded free song.
  8. T

    What martial art can i use for law enforcement?

    well im a boxer, black belt in taekwondo, and an all state wrestler. thats what i do but im going to join the police academy soon and was wondering if theres anything specific that would help. Also off topic i was maybe thinking about joining the airforce before or after i join the police academy?
  9. A

    Anime like Sword Art Online?

    Besides Accel World, hack, since their virtual games. I'm looking for an anime with fast paced action, a fantasy like theme, and is filled with jaw dropping scenes. Romance would be really fun and cool, it helps to find really awesome scenes. It doesn't have to be like a game or sci-fi, it can...
  10. T

    Lost Art Of Suffering & Strongholds Part 1 - Rebroadcast - Oct 08,2012

    Join General Managers of WSCIRO, Dr Shirley Canniff and Dr Jeffrey Canniff in this new 3 part series concerning "The Lost Art Of Suffering". Did you know that suffering is a ministry that many believers overlook and that mental strongholds are a particular kind of suffering that can actually...
  11. G

    Is nippon kempo a good martial art?

    I saw a dojo near my house and i wanted to know if its any good
  12. M

    Album cover art pop quiz!!??(P.O.D.)?

    On the P.O.D. album that has the woman with butterfly wings and a crown and her legs wrapped together with something, what is the symbolic meaning in that? And why does it say "Sanctus" over her crotch area? And why are her arms crossed over her chest?
  13. T

    Artists: A journey into art galleries with Nikki Stevens - Sep 06,2012

    What is the main obstacle now facing art students? How can an artist brush off critism and rejection? How can you get into art galleries? We all know about the "starving artist". But if you are an artist, you certainly dont want to be a testament to this all-too-famous figure. And you certainly...
  14. T

    thinking of taking on a martial art, currently looking at Aikido and karate girl... her 30s any thoughts? I don't really want to get into fighting so much just interested in the work out and learning something new. I just have the idea of learning a martial art in my head and fancy giving it a go any thoughts or ideas on either of these what would you recommend
  15. G

    Hand-Painted Macaron Cookies Resemble Colorful Cartoon Organ Meat [Art]

    Handpainted by Miss Insomnia Tulip for this October's annual Eat Your Heart Out food fest, these offal-inspired vanilla-flavored macaron cookies achieve just the right balance of anatomical correctness and playful artistic interpretation. More »
  16. G

    Museum Is Literally Spitting Out Burned Exhibits [Art]

    For his latest exhibit at the Museum of Moving Image in New York City, Berlin-born artist Aram Bartholl has installed a DVD burner into the side of the museum itself. More »
  17. N

    Can you give me any sites that discuss the changes in the way art is made?

    Like the way art is sold made distributed perhaps some stuff on creative suite by Adobe and the internet sales of music digitally those sort of changes that have occurred like we used to paint now we still do but have we changed our method any art field
  18. N

    martial art films 2010 - 2012?

    Can anybody give me a list of new movies?....From 2010 till this year?
  19. N

    Can you give me any sites that discuss the changes in the way art is made?

    Like the way art is sold made distributed perhaps some stuff on creative suite by Adobe and the internet sales of music digitally those sort of changes that have occurred like we used to paint now we still do but have we changed our method any art field
  20. D

    Is Accel World and Sword Art Online any good?

    I'm planning to watch them soon, so what's your opinion on them. I know they are still ongoing by the way.